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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I don't believe people are born evil.

I think that better education, more tolerance and a better understanding of history and others would go a long way to reducing the 'Evil' we see in today's world.

That being said, can we eradicate evil completely? I'd have to say, not absolutely, no.

Though we must try to reduce it :)

1 point

Well there are cases where some people are monogamous and also cases where some people aren't. So I wouldn't say that nobody can be or that everyone can be.

I just wonder is there an alternative to monogamy that suits humans better, and why our attitudes towards it are so fixed.

I recently read a very interesting book, putting across the point that absolute monogamy is a very recent state of affairs for our species.

That pre-farming when our ancestors were hunter gatherers, they used to live in small groups or tribes. In these tribes the author argued that they weren't monogamous at all. That females regularly had sex with different members of the tribe, and despite this, the males weren't aggressive towards each other. This was because there wasn't a need to compete for mating privileges, and also because parental certainty wasn't important.

So I suppose basically what I'm curious about, are your and others opinions on wether monogamy goes against our nature? Cheers

1 point

I'd like to start the proceedings by saying, I personally think fully monogamous relationships are very hard to come by this day and age.

I live in Britain and am an Atheist. I have found myself asking the question, with the decline of religion and the adherence to religious attitudes, is this having an impact on our society and the concept of monogamy?

Also with the brilliant and fast paced advances in women's rights and the new attitudes this has brought about, is it possible that people are thinking differently about monogamy than our elders before us?

Of course I, perhaps like most people, believe cheating to be wrong. But I must admit, even within my own circle of friends, the attitude towards relationships is a negative one and very cynical.

I'm very interested in other peoples thoughts on this subject, cheers :)

1 point

I am an atheist.

However for all you theists or fence sitters out there, I'd imagine the question in the title, is a question you have already asked yourselves before, though perhaps not in that exact fashion.

If there is a god, why did he create mental illness? Or any illness for that matter? Why are these inflictions visited upon the innocent, the young and the vulnerable?

In my mind, such things could only be the creation of a particularly vile and twisted individual.

I'm afraid the argument 'God moves in mysterious ways' just doesn't cut it in the face of such a debilitating and horrific condition.

For further proof of gods cruelty, I would suggest a good read of the Old Testament.

God telling Abraham to sacrifice his own son Isaac, just to satisfy gods curiosity, as to wether or not Abraham had faith in him is but one example. Rather sick and cruel of god if you ask me.

Winning Position: Human Monogamy- The natural order? Moral?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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