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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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I have some bad news for you Nah, it's all good
Debate Score:43
Total Votes:43
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 I have some bad news for you (9)
 Nah, it's all good (21)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Is it gay for a straight man to sextext a female puppet account controlled by another male

This site is mostly guys, some of which may have inadvertently ended up flirting/sexting/propositioning the few females here at some point.  Given the large number of female puppet accounts on this site that are controlled by guys, does the flirting/sexting/propositioning that went on considered gay?  And if so, can this debate serve as therapy for those guys, in order to get them to come to terms with their new found life style?

I have some bad news for you

Side Score: 11

Nah, it's all good

Side Score: 32
2 points

When I read the title of this debate it made all of the days bullshit float away on the cloud of realization (and tons of laughter) that I among all the rest of the men on this site might have voted for a transvestite for sexiest female debater. I say transvestite because it was a male masquerading as a female. So No, I am not gay (not that there is anything wrong with that), but that transvestite sure looked HOT!

Side: I have some bad news for you
1 point

Ha, I know right? Even I wanted to tap that. .

Side: I have some bad news for you
1 point

Sounds pretty gay to me... glad I didn't fall for it, SUCKAS! I told ya so. :D

Side: I have some bad news for you

You correct! I feel bad because I no believe in you. I vote for her too but I take back vote because she no exist. I vote for you too!!!!! Give me minute.

Side: I have some bad news for you

if they know itsa dude then yah.

Side: I have some bad news for you
5 points

I wrote a poem to help us all through this tough time.

There once was a young man named Srom

He wanted to give Lizzie his bone

He met her one night

And learned with great fright

That Lizzie had a bone of his own.

I still don't buy into any of this.

Side: Nah, it's all good
1 point

Look at my most recent debate.

Side: Nah, it's all good
1 point

I saw it, I don't buy it.

Side: Nah, it's all good

I might believe it if Lizzie also says it is true, but I have not heard that yet.

Side: Nah, it's all good
1 point

Have you looked at her activity today? The dude admitted it.

Side: Nah, it's all good
Stryker(849) Disputed
1 point

She did say it earlier, and the ladies changed their pictures. Something is off about all of this though.

Side: I have some bad news for you