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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Sure, why not? Who cares?
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Sure, why not? (6)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Is it possible to do any type of activity in this outfit?

Sure, why not?

Side Score: 7

Who cares?

Side Score: 0
2 points

That looks like it would hurt. She should take it off.

Side: Sure, why not?

If you can slay a pterodactyl while wearing it, then I am pretty sure you can.

Side: Sure, why not?

I think your boobies would fall out ;)

Side: Sure, why not?

Nah. Those pieces of armor have a tight embrace on her boobs. And there is an even tighter embrace caused by the lack of space between her boobs. So the armor is pressing them together while holding them up with its claw-like hands. This is a very effective method for keeping your boobs from flying everywhere

So they can't fall out at the bottom or bounce out of the top or the sides.

And because of the embrace, they can't fly out of the middle. There is simply not enough space.

Side: Sure, why not?
1 point

There is one activity (or set of activities, depending on your positional repertoire) for which that outfit is ideal for.

Side: Sure, why not?
1 point

I mean, it seems plausible.

Side: Sure, why not?
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