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Hell has frozen over. Different debate, same old joe
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:29
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 Hell has frozen over. (16)
 Different debate, same old joe (8)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Hell has frozen over.

Side Score: 19

Different debate, same old joe

Side Score: 10
2 points

So much for the republican's trickle down economics lie, we see how that worked out for us lol.

But, but, but..... if we give the rich more tax breaks, they will then hire more people and spread the wealth around lol, "head meet ass" I find it so funny that people still think the rich need a tax cut, they will not trickle down shit, they just give themselves a lager paycheck.

I have been screaming for a long time now that our way of life is broke and there is no way to fix it other then eliminating money and completely revamp our way of thinking.

American capitalism does not work after a certain point, capitalism will "ONLY" work if the game is reset every few years like a new game of monopoly, because this isn't case with our current form of capitalism the rich will continue to get richer and the middle and poor will be eating out the trash, literally. That is just how the system is rigged.

Side: Hell has frozen over.
Del1176(4975) Banned
3 points

This is why libertarians are idiots. By freeing the economy the people can never be free.

Side: Hell has frozen over.
1 point

Yup it will create an even larger gap by the ones who are already in the lead.

Side: Hell has frozen over.

If things don't get better, we'll have another democrat in office come 2016. ;)

Side: Hell has frozen over.
1 point

We will anyway. ;)

Side: Hell has frozen over.

The bottom 20% doesn't stay at the bottom forever and the top 20% don't stay at the top forever. People are constantly moving up and down. There is no many free market principles left in America, however, there is still a market and markets are not static, they are dynamic.

Side: Different debate, same old joe
Warjin(1577) Disputed
1 point

Funny when Donald Trump claimed bankruptcy he was still worth over 100 million, stop kidding yourself, you will never be part of the top 1%, those people can never go broke because they own the system, sure you might someday make a million bucks but we are taking about multi billionaires here, they have such a head start in the game that unless you invent the next facebook you have no chance in hell.

The gap will continue to grow over the years and there is nothing we can do, it's way past the point of no return.

Chris Rock, being wealthy means having financial holdings so immense that they can be passed down through generations. "Shaq is rich," he said, referring to the Los Angeles Lakers' Shaquille O'Neal, "but the white man who signs his check is wealthy. Oprah is rich, but Bill Gates is wealthy. If Bill Gates suddenly woke up with Oprah's money, he'd slit his throat."

Side: Hell has frozen over.

How do you feel about the fact that I have such a head start in the game (points) that unless I die you have no chance in hell.

The gap will continue to grow over the years and there is nothing you can do, it's way past the point of no return. ;)

Side: Hell has frozen over.
1 point

They don't own the system. Funny, they said that Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ghoul would never go broke and someone took their place. Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, Carnegie, Ghoul, Rockefeller ect. were not born into being billionaires, some of them were born "rich" but its not some dynasty of wealth. The biggest business have fallen, this era is no exception.

Side: Different debate, same old joe
casper3912(1581) Disputed
1 point

Simply not true, stop being a tool and learn something outside of the narrative you've been indoctrinated with:

Side: Hell has frozen over.
Del1176(4975) Banned
1 point

You think you're some funny troll or something but in reality you're just a pathetic goon that is only a comedic troll because people are laughing AT, not with, you.

To be perfectly honest I don't even find your humour intelligent at all because the most intelligent trolling humour is the one where you violently propose the opposite of your belief (which it appears you don't do). Otherwise why not debate seriously?

You'll probably reply to this with some sarcastic witty line and a winky face at the end and to be honest that's fine because you seem to like being mocked and laughed at all the time.

Side: Different debate, same old joe

You cannot dispute the fact that you are only 11 years old. Why should I care what you think. ;)

Side: Different debate, same old joe
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

Joe is fucking sexy, and much more manly than you! ;)

Side: Hell has frozen over.