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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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 True. (4)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (4)

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jolie(9810) pic

It's bad luck to try and expose the Clintons.


Side Score: 5

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 5
2 points

So..., a bunch of people were going to expose the Clintons as corrupt and then they woke up dead. ;)

Side: True.

Thanks for posting those facts.

How many people, that we know in our lifetimes, do you think die from suicides, murders, etc.?

Can you even imagine that many people involved with the Clinton's, dieing in a couple years?

Can you imagine having that many people ready to testify in the Clinton's scandals, and then dieing?

We can see that the Clintons are the biggest corrupt politicians of our lifetimes, and we can see that those in the Democrat party will still vote for her! Even the FBI has been scared off. I guess FBI director Comey fears for his life as well.

WHAT TOTAL FOOLS to sanction such corruption in our Government. I was somewhat joking about how Democrats would vote for Hillary if she were a murderer. LOOKS LIKE IT'S NO JOKE!

Side: True.
0 points

Ah yes because you know as many people as a former first lady, former secretary of state and presidential candidate.

Side: True.
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
0 points

We can see that the Clintons are the biggest corrupt politicians of our lifetimes, and we can see that those in the Democrat party will still vote for her!

A large part of that no doubt is because Trump is the other option.

Side: True.

It appears that being associated with the Clinton's can be hazardous to your health.

Side: True.

Although I wouldn't put anything past someone as corrupt as Hillary, that list is mostly (probably completely) a bunch of BS.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Don't trust Snopes. They are a liberal organization in cahoots with the Clintons ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

BTW, I hope you appreciate that I am putting my life on the line to bring you the truth ;)

Side: True.
0 points

Exposing Trump is so easy that the majority of people can do it and since the majority of people don't have weird things happen to them, it seems it's safe to expose him.

Exposing the Clintons is hard because there is nothing to expose other than an accidental email and adultery, which basically is common knowledge. So cherry pick a few guys who exposed them and had things happen to them, good job you have a conspiracy theory.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

Wait..., did you just say that Bill's affair was accidental?

Bill - "I'd like to say to the American people that I am deeply sorry that my dick accidentally fell into Monica's mouth."


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
jolie(9810) Clarified
2 points

If there is anything I have learned about marriage is that wives do not believe that their husband's dick accidentally fell into someone's mouth ;)

Side: True.