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 Jesus versus Adolf Hitler of Austria. (4)

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SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

Jesus versus Adolf Hitler of Austria.


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Are there many people confused about the Adolf Hitler to whom you are referring? Because when I hear 'Adolf Hitler' only one guy comes to mind; but if I just here 'Jesus' I have to figure out if its Jesus the gardener, Jesus the mechanic, Jesus the guy who sells oranges on the free-way, or Jesus of Nazareth.

There is a user on here calling himself Hitler, and I am specifying that this is not about him.

How did he get into the German government if he was born in Austria? I'm not disputing you, because I know that he's from there but I'm guessing he was a citizen from a very young age.

When I said he was from Germany, I was corrected. LOL. ;)