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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:23
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 True. (14)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (5)

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jolie(9809) pic

Liberals are simple minded people.


Side Score: 16

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 7
2 points

Simple people with simple minds have a simple view of the world and they thus get confused easily. Whenever an action, born out of a myriad of complex reasons, doesn't fit their simple world view, they get confused. Once confused they try to make sense of the action by trying to make it fit their world view. They do this by applying simple, one word, labels to the action. ;)

Side: True.
jolie(9809) Clarified
2 points

Simple minded people cannot understand how Trump could have won the election. This is the action that doesn't make sense to them.

Simple minded people don't understand why some people where turned off by Hillary when she pandered to a small group of people who did not know which bathroom to use but she did not pander to a larger group of people who had lost their jobs. This is one of the myriads of complex reasons for Trump winning the election.

"Homophobic" is a simple, one word, label.

In order to make sense of the action and make it fit into their simple world view, they apply the simple, one word, label, "Homophobic."

When you point out to them that the real reason is that people felt disenfranchised by Hillary, they pick another simple, one word, label, "Misogynist."

When you try to explain that American citizens without jobs desperately need the jobs being taken by illegal aliens, they pick another simple, one word, label, "Racist."

And the more you try to reason with them, the more simple, one word, labels they seem to come up with. ;)

Side: True.
1 point

"Liberal" is a simple, one word, label.

Side: True.
jolie(9809) Clarified
1 point

Normally you create topics with a humerous overtone. This time you created a very well written serious debate, and did so very precisely.

I liked it. The people on this site who would argue with your common sense statement of truth are the ones who cant believe Trump won. They will find fault with any person speaking the truth of Liberalism.

Side: True.
1 point

Kind of like using everything against liberals. That's a pretty simple view of the world.

Side: True.
1 point

Yeah, it's kinda like that. Actually... it's exactly like that ;)

Side: True.

That girl summed it up right nicely; I don't think I could add any more to it. Well said.

Side: True.
1 point

They exploit needs and the unsuspecting follow. Its a march to Armageddon, and they are throwing their lives into a pit without even evaluating the mark of the beast. A beast mind is given.

They are looking more and more like the beast, as they take his image. See all of Revelations and Daniel for play by play details.

Side: True.
1 point

Truth is a word that does not compute with Liberals. Here is Barack Obama talking to the Simple Minded Liberals: Barack Obama disputed the notion that the presidential election results were a referendum on his job as president, saying that people think he “did a pretty good job” as president.

Democrats defeated in 2010,2014 and 2016. Simpletons on the Left lack the perception to see that Barack Obama has put the Democrat Party in shambles as president. His presidency sent Hillary to retirement and left the Simple Minded Liberals wondering what happened.

Side: True.
1 point

Generally speaking, sure. But that's just because that's a general truth about all people. That they're liberal is incidental.

Side: True.
1 point

Conservatives believe in tax cuts for the rich, tax hikes for the poor, dumb kids, smart bombs and what's good for Walmart and EXXON is good for America!

Conservatives believe America was a better place when: There were more Hummers on the street, Bushes in office, prayer in schools, abortions in back alleys, gays in the closet, segregation on busses and only white, male property owners could vote!

Conservatives believe that anything liberals believe must be false, which is why they believe that low flow toilets and energy efficient light bulbs pose a bigger threat to our way of life than melting ice caps!

Conservatives believe that abstinence-only education has worked so well for their pregnant, unwed teenage daughters from Georgia to Alaska, that it should be replicated all across America!

Conservatives believe in abolishing the Department of Education and cutting school funding (see Washington news today), because it is a known fact that uneducated simpletons are more likely to vote Republican!

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

See? This is what I mean by a simple view of the world.

EVERY Conservative believe those things you have mentioned. Really?

Do you have any supporting evidence? ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
MintiSox(2) Disputed
2 points

Don't you're being hypocritical? You say every Liberal is simple minded, yet you say the person above is simple minded for stating every Conservative believes in those things they have mentioned.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Yes. I think they call it a "platform", and if you really listen to them it's unmistakable that they believe .... wait .... you said EVERY conservative .... I will correct myself, it's just the "basket of deplorables" half .

Side: True.
LichPotato(362) Disputed
1 point

What do Conservative beliefs have to do with this topic? Just because Conservative views are allegedly flawed doesn't mean Liberal views are intelligent.

Side: True.