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True Wait..., What? No!
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:17
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 True (7)
 Wait..., What? No! (5)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Love is NOT unconditional when it comes to a mate

The closest thing love comes to being unconditional is with kids.  Which is why parents forgive their kids over and over again and again.

But with your mate it is different.  If your mate is a pain in the ass for a long enough time, you just trade their ass in for a new piece of ass.

It would be nice if people could just forgive and forget and bury the hatchet but as it turns out, they always remember where they buried the hatchet.


Side Score: 10

Wait..., What? No!

Side Score: 5

If loving your mate was unconditional, people wouldn't ever break up.

So you better behave or else you're going to lose your good thing.

Side: True
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

There is more to a relationship then love. Those other things can cause a break up.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
smithereen(43) Disputed
0 points

No matter what cause a break-up,ultimately the deciding factor will be love and no matter what happens,if there is love,the relationship will go on.Now ask yourself why there are more divorces than babies in the world.

Side: True
smithereen(43) Disputed
0 points

No matter what cause a break-up,ultimately the deciding factor will be love and no matter what happens,if there is love,the relationship will go on.Now ask yourself why there are more divorces than babies in the world.

Side: True
1 point

Well there is only so many things that you can take in a relationship before you call it quits but that doesn't mean that the love is not there anymore it just so happens that it didn't work out.

Side: Wait..., What? No!

True love never dies and has little to do with sexuality in the long run.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

I think that unconditional love for a partner is possible, it's just nowhere near as common as we'd like to think. Most couples do not love each other unconditionally, and that includes many couples who have been happily married for decades.

What I think is not love at all - not unconditional, not even conditional - is when people split up and then take revenge on their ex. If you love a person, or even have loved a person in the past, you shouldn't be capable of deliberately doing something just for the sake of hurting them. Argue/fight with them when you lose your temper maybe, or split up if you think you're not a good match anymore, but not rationally decide to hurt them just because you can. If you're willing to do that, I'm of the opinion that you never loved them to begin with. Maybe you liked them, you enjoyed their companionship, or you thought they were great in bed. But you never loved them, in the altruistic sense of caring about them and wanting the best for them.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

I think love is unconditional. My boyfriend has been a pain in my ass for years, I forgive his faults.

Though that might just be the type of person I am >_>

Side: Wait..., What? No!

You'll change your tune once you find a man who lubes up first ;)

Side: True
1 point

Lol, oookay then.

You're kind of the pervert on this site aren't you? There's always one

Side: True