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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True. Say whaaaat?
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:29
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 True. (7)
 Say whaaaat? (17)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Now that gay marriage is OK, we should fight for poly-amorous relationships.

Now that gays are allowed to get married, women will start marrying gay men in order to get the sensitve man they have always desried.  Men will start marrying lesbians; someone to enjoy the game on TV with.  But this will lead to problems.  In a man and lesbian relationship, who makes the sanwishes?  In a woman and gay relationship, who kills the spider?  So these two couples will need to marry each other in order to complete the circle of life.


Side Score: 9

Say whaaaat?

Side Score: 19

I'm sorry..., I couldn't finish the description. I was laughing too hard ;)

Side: True.
joecavalry(40130) Clarified
2 points

Maybe we should throw in one more gay man and one more lesbian into the mix. Make it a 3 couple relationship. Boy..., you think kids are screwed up now... ;)

Side: True.
1 point

The kids will understand.

You'll "educate" them, like you're doing it now with regard to "gay rights".

I suppose it's obvious I don't mean you personally.

Research will show, that kids adopted by such "families", are doing just fine!

Like now, kids adopted by the gays are doing "fine".

Of course, like with the gay families, the surveys will be made by asking the parents, their opinion of the kids' wellbeing.

- sarcasm _

Strange that gays who adopt kids, do not report anything being wrong, with kids who are adopted by gays.

- /sarcasm -

(Note: I don't really think any of this is funny).


Side: Say whaaaat?

Yes we should .

Side: True.
1 point

You kill spiders? I always take them outside using a jar and business card.

Side: True.

What?! Are you twelve? Just grab them with your naked hand. They too are one of God's creatures. What are you; too good to touch one? Are you a spideist? ;)

Side: True.
BigOats(1449) Disputed
2 points

That would be: a hateful spiderphobic bigot..............

Side: Say whaaaat?
Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Idiot. Spiders are fragile things, I might damage them. It's difficult to catch a spider with your hand. It's difficult to keep a spider in your hand.

Side: True.
1 point

That's actually what I always try to do, with all insects except those that can bite.

OK, also the bees.

Usually just throw them out of the window.

Insects can survive that.

Side: Say whaaaat?
2 points

This is a new technique for you. Usually you start out with the normal comments, then start with the crazy stuff. This time, crazy, then normal. You are full of talents.

Side: Say whaaaat?

How do you think I have managed all these years? I reinvent myself, that's how ;)

Side: Say whaaaat?
1 point

You're wrong, Gay marriage is not OK.

Besides, how will you call LGBT, if you win that "fight"?

Will it be LGBTP?

What about incest? Will you fight for it, too?

Mind you, after incest is legalized, the acronym will be LGBTPI.

But that's kind of hard to pronounce.

I suggest using a different order of letters: LBTPIG.

Side: Say whaaaat?
Centifolia(1319) Clarified
1 point

uh...may I ask exactly what are you talking about?

Side: True.
BigOats(1449) Clarified
1 point

LBTPIG (Lesbian Bisexual Transsexual Polygamous Incestuous Gay).

The new acronym, which should replace LGBT, when polygamous and incestuous rights will be protected by the law.

Side: True. I still drunk or someone posted something so ridiculou-oh wait, its from joe. Nevermind

I might get rape if I stayed here longer

Side: Say whaaaat?

You don't seem to get comedy with a dash of sarcasm. ;)

Side: Say whaaaat?