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Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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jolie(9810) pic

Please help me understand the liberals' reaction to the election.

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2 points

Please do not grab the doll by the pussy. ;)

2 points

People need to accept Trump as potus. Its time to get over it. It's over.

So for people to be dissatisfied with a president he needs to have physically hurt them? The only valid reason to think a president is unsuited or unqualified is if he is violent?

''Show me on the doll where Donald Trump hurt you'' is an argument used by those who have none.

1 point

Yes, you are right. It was 2 or 3 AM when I posted this and I just grabbed the image of the internet and did not realized it said "Trump." Apparently there are many versions of the image. I thus replaced it with what I intended. You could probably still use the same argument ;)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Probably :p

1 point

How do you point to your soul?

1 point

You bend over and shove a finger up your ass ;)

1 point

You seem like the kind of person that points to your soul a lot.

1 point

The Electoral College has hurt the Progressives by the system working against them.

That being said now they want to abort the same system that worked for them when their candidate won.

1 point

There have only been five candidates for the US presidency that won the popular vote but lost the election. All five of those are/were democrats, so saying that this system has worked for democrats is a lie - the flaws of this system has only affected democrats so far, so it is therefore only natural and understandable that democrats are dissatisfied with it.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Electoral College is part of the election process and has worked for 2 centuries. When it works against the Progressives all they can do is complain.

1 point

He had so many hateful, demeaning and descriminatory parts to his campaign. Even republicans walked away from him at several points and said they couldn't support him. He divided people and was not for all Americans.