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Political spoofery mean-spirited and dangerous
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:22
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 Political spoofery (13)
 mean-spirited and dangerous (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Political spoofery or mean-spirited and dangerous? You decide.


The image, which has been adopted by Mr Obama's critics, shows him wearing the white face paint and smudged red lips of the character most recently played by the late actor Heath Ledger. Beneath the picture reads the word 'socialism'.

Political spoofery

Side Score: 18

mean-spirited and dangerous

Side Score: 3
4 points

The Joker image: intended as political spoofery/commentary; fails because 1) it just isn't very funny and 2) it's not a well-chosen comparison. I mean, why the Joker? What the hell does he have to do with socialism? Why not Karl Marx or Guy Fawkes or the Lorax or Boris from the "Bullwinkle" show? It's just not very good spoofery.

The monkey image is offensive. There's a long racist history of comparing African-Americans to "lower" primates as a means of debasing the entire race, and given that context it's inappropriate because of the strongly racist connotations that such a comparison still carries. Since there is no comparable history of likening white people to apes as a specific attack meant to degrade all caucasians, it's not relevant whether G.W. Bush was compared to a monkey or not - it's the racist subtext that is offensive and problematic.

No, if we are going to make pointless comparisons between Obama and some other critter or fictional entity, I think we ought to go with Tuvok Obama of the United Federation of Planets . . . errr, States of America. Their speech patterns are awfully similar, and Obama's ears are kinda pointy. Plus, Hillary Clinton does look a wee bit like Captain Janeway.

It's not just me, either - the whole Internet agrees.

Side: It's just stupid

'Open mockery of of Barack Obama, as disillusionment sets in with the man, his policies, and the phony image of a race-healing, brilliant, scholarly middle-of-the-roader.'

'The image comes as the President faces criticism over his plans to create a $1trillion healthcare programme.'

Wait a minute? $1 trillion healthcare programme? Aren't we already printing trillions to cover the stimulus package? Aren't we in an economic mess? What is this doing to the value of my saved dollars? I mean, the erotion of the value of the dollar is a hard pill to swallow. I need a little spoofery to ease the pain of them ramming it down my throat ;) Does_Michelle_Obama_really_need_more_than_20_attendants#arg58609

Side: Political spoofery
1 point

Who ever actually came out and said mean spirited and dangerous is a fuckin' retard.

my main problem with the pic is that it's not funny. Are they trying to compare him to how joker burned all the money or something? w/e.

It's one of those pics that just get created and posted in a bundle. To get this much attention shows just how pathetic some people can get. PCfags.

I've seen way funnier and much more offensive LOLPICS of Obama online.

Side: Political spoofery

You mean like this one?

Side: Political spoofery
2 points

it's slightly funnier, but it's too obvious.

Plus, Bush was compared to a monkey for 8 years, so doing it to Obama is just overkill.

Here's some good racism

or this one my favorite IMO

and this one

Side: Political spoofery
1 point

I'm not sure what your angle was with that picture but Racism is not the same as political spoofery.

Racism should not be tolerated.

For the reccord, that pictures not funny iether.

I have to admit though, I've seen Family Guy and laughed at some pretty offensive things. At least they where funny.

Side: Political spoofery
1 point

I really don't see a problem with this picture. I'm a pretty big Obama supporter. I've been an Obama girl since the early days of the primaries, but there's no reason why people can't express their opinions on the man through "art". It's a distraction from real issues, but it's not otherwise dangerous.

Side: Political spoofery
1 point

Yeah, I'm not sure what the angle is either with the joker thing. I mean, the comparison is slim, the Joker was a sociopath with no family who liked to cause destruction for fun. Regardless of whether you agree with Obama's policies, I think it's safe to say his intentions are good and he's a likable guy.

The problems come when people cross the line, and dehumanize politicians, like recently some guy had an effigy of his local Senator being hung because the Senator supported healthcare reform.

I would say that crosses way over the line between freedom of speech and threats of bodily harm. What he's basically saying is it's okay to kill another person you happen to disagree with.

I don't see that in the joker thing with Obama though.

Side: Political spoofery
1 point

It's only mean spirited and dangerouse to people who like Obama.

But with Bush or any other republican or thier daughters it's all fair game. Isn't that right?

Side: mean-spirited and dangerous
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

1. Where have you been?

2. Sarcasm isn't an attractive trait in anyone Jake. I mean, look at me, I'm so sarcastic I don't even know when I'm serious. You don't wanna end up like that.

Side: Political spoofery
1 point

Sorry, I'm not sure what you meant about the sarcasm. I wasn't being sarcastic.

Where have I been? what do you mean?

Side: Political spoofery
1 point

No Jake, Mr Bush excluded, that's not right! To make such a blanket accusation is quite appalling.

Side: mean-spirited and dangerous

It is mean spirited and dangerous for it portrays him as such and tells the world he is an advocate of Socialist reforms or government across the board which is not so. Thus far we've seen no socialist tendencies from President Obama so why portray him as the Joker, a wretched, poor soul who is hell-bent on destroying what is good in Gotham?

Side: mean-spirited and dangerous