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Language Grade Level uses the Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level formula.

Debate Statistics for Political spoofery or mean-spirited and dangerous? You decide.
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Side scores:
Political spoofery : 19

mean-spirited and dangerous : 3

Total arguments:
Political spoofery : 12

mean-spirited and dangerous : 2

Word lengths:
Political spoofery : 4.46 ave

mean-spirited and dangerous : 4.43 ave

Language grade level:
Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level
Political spoofery : 10th

mean-spirited and dangerous : 13th

Vocabulary overlap:
Political spoofery

mean-spirited and dangerous

Total words used:
Political spoofery : 639

mean-spirited and dangerous : 80

Word frequencies:
agree  angle  being  bush  dangerous  don't  family  funnier  funny  good  guy  haven't  he's  healthcare  i'm  i've  isn't  jake  joker  just  know  line  mean  much  obama  offensive  okay  only  person  picture  president  pretty  problem  racism  really  sarcasm  sarcastic  say  seen  senator  spirited  spoofery  such  sure  thing  think  though  where  why  yeah