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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Oh yeah! What? That can't be right.
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:20
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 Oh yeah! (3)
 What? That can't be right. (11)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Rich men are better in bed than poor men.

Money can't buy you love - but it can lead to better sex, scientists say.

A controversial study claims that a woman finds lovemaking more fulfilling if her partner is wealthy.

The finding adds to the evidence that for many females, money, status and success remain a key ingredient in sexual attraction.

Oh yeah!

Side Score: 4

What? That can't be right.

Side Score: 14

You'll have to ask my wife but I think she'll agree (;

Side: Oh yeah!
1 point

Well if you are comparing a Hobo to a commoner then yes because commoners can afford baths and deoderant and the essentials to maintaining decent cleanliness. (;

Side: Oh yeah!
HGrey87(750) Disputed
1 point

Baths and deodorant inhibit the transmission of pheremones, so that's definitely not the reason :P

Plus, have you ever slept with a hobo? BEST LAY EVER. Tin foil condoms.

Side: What? That can't be right.
altarion(1955) Disputed
1 point

Isn't inhibitting the transmission of pheremones a good thing? I mean I did poorly in biology but I'm pretty sure it is. :P

And tin foil condoms seem painful for both sides of it: the user and the reciever! :P

Side: Oh yeah!
2 points

It's true, most chicks are gold digging skeezers.

But the "better in bed" part is just so they stay in the silly mark's will.

meanwhile they're getting their orgasms from the illegal pool guy you pay four bucks an hour. ;)

Side: Oh yeah!

That's why I chose a pool boy that doesn't look good in a Speedo ;)

Side: What? That can't be right.
1 point


you should look into pool girls, there has to be one out there somewhere...

Side: What? That can't be right.

This is what happens when writers have nothing better to delve upon. I find this article, as much as my comment, completely useless to humanity.

Side: Why did I read this article
1 point

lol looking at the link made me think it was a virus infested porno -.- and no that isnt rite at all. this is so useless ! =]

Side: What? That can't be right.