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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 True. (3)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (4)

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jolie(9809) pic

Science cannot save the human race.


Side Score: 3

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 4
1 point

The human gene pool is in dire need of some chlorine. ;)

Side: True.
1 point

Have you taken the mark of the beast?

Visible known mutations that we can observe are disease related to decay and more disease, not creating life.

Disease spreads, and mutates.

The seeds of the shape-shifter, we can literally see why Jesus said your fathers the Devil. I see the resemlance of his image on the frontals of your forehead!

Mutations are your god. The deciever, the shape shifter, the father of lies.

The law of sin and death, his world in decay, because he is a god, not the God!

Mutations can't create, something from nothing they scribble a picture and call it art, curruptions spread is of the destroyer left out of the garden to grow.

The dust of the ground cursed, declining, aging, and dieing.

Even vaccines for the better, are his seeds growing the world in further decay, Spread of a super mutations, the shape-shifter monouvering in the dark infecting and mutating and spreading out like moss. .

And Satan has the audacity to challenge God by saying he made a man?

Satan could not make man, but you all are choosing the mark of the beast, the image of the shape-shifter.

You all place eternal hope in evolution and deny the God of all eternity!

You all raise a fist blaming God, angry at Him, a God you don't believe exists.

But your god is evolution of decay, even though God created man to live eternity. You're going the opposite way.

The fall from perfection dropped man into a festering fast spreading virus. Festering and growing their seed and all were currupt seed and we would have desroyed ourselves long before now.

The 1st world spread out faster than up, that's why He had to reset it, the dark seed outgrew rapidly, spreading, and shape-shifter mutations.

But these seeds are of shape-shifter not men in the image of God, not the ones who walk upright, the Gods man in God's image in man. Sons growing up with face toward the sun.

You man is going backward,t with bent over spine, with face toward the dirt.

God's children are vascular plants reaching growing face toward the sun.

But slaves in the darkness and just slithering spread like mutating fungus on the dirt of the ground, like your father the shape-shifter slithering serpent.

Deceiving and mutating his image - as your race becomes one with the him in dark depth of Sheol.

As we grow to become one with the light. Thats,separating sheep from goats, wheat and tares, etc..

Mutations are the spread of depravity and disease related, and even if you add immunizations, which have been linked to brain damage and the growth of other mutations that spread sickness by working mutations around immunizations and antibiotics, growing into super destructive mutations.

The god of this world is born out of darkness, and this his his sperm seed! The Growing, mutating, and spreading disease, hate, coldness, and you are all going "viral" you are mutating fools! "A fool has said in his heart there is no God." God names you one name fits all because you are the common growth mutating on the darkness.

Your name -- "a Fool!"

There is your Nobel Prize, and your intellect, and arrogance! You all will be driven mad, and there will be no light of day! The darkness is swallowing you all up, and when the door is shut you won't ever get free.

You are all being taken going, going, gone!

In thinking about the forehead and the man in the image of beast, the frontal lobes are found at the forehead, where the mark of the beast or as evolution describes man as beast or animal also, but the frontal lobes are not primitive.

They are behavior, free will, voluntary movements like with the "hand." Decisions of the frontal lobes are directed.

Behaviors, Decisions, Reasoning, Justifications, Personality, Free Will, Memory... Conscious, the Mind of Thought, Logic, and Reason!

Here God marks the mind a beast and animal, in the frontal lobes (science) on forehead - forehead defined biblically, God said scientific facts - frontal lobes - Behavior, Memory, Decission, On Purpose, Mind, Concious, Wisdom, Reasoning, Understanding, Advancements. Frontal lobes, forehead. And on your hand, whatever you put your hand to leads you!

Marked forehead and hand!


Side: True.
0 points



Side: True.
1 point

This is one image, one example, of how one person is stupid.

If you consider that to be proof that the human race cannot be saved, then you're committing a fallacy of composition (assuming that something true of a sample is true of the entire set).

Not to mention, the only reason we consider this person to be stupid is because we have smarter people to compare them with, so the fact that you consider them stupid is actually proof that most people are smarter than that.

Also, considering that science is the discipline most concerned with testing theories, evaluating evidence and developing our knowledge of the world around us, I think that it's most likely that science will be on the forefront of saving the human race, if it ever needs saving.

So, no, I reject this claim. I believe Science CAN save the human race.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Oh yeah? Then explain global warming, smarty pants. Tell us how science is going to help us. ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Kelnius(5) Disputed
1 point

Duh . . . ice cubes in the Atlantic. That's how you fix global warming.

In all seriousness, I don't even need to answer the question "how can science save us?"

After all, can you even describe a single non-scientific means of question-answering and problem-solving that has a greater success rate than the scientific method?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!