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Apparently not. Wait..., what?
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Apparently not. (8)
 Wait..., what? (4)

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jolie(9809) pic

Seriously, do people have nothing better to do?

To Protest Guns on Campus, Students in Texas Are Carrying Big, Fake Penises to Class

​"If you're packing heat, we're packing meat."

Apparently not.

Side Score: 12

Wait..., what?

Side Score: 5

They're just bringing a replica of a repeat shooter as a show of protest, that's all.

Side: Apparently not.

How come they demonstrated with such a pathetically small replication? That is an insult to manhood the world over!! If it is real, then either gangrene has set in to that pitiful specimen or there must be a Pygmy somewhere searching frantically for the b'tard who castrated him. Throughout history student demonstrations have never achieved anything nor influenced the course of history. Did they ever stop to think that if personal protection weapons were issued to a number of their well vetted school pals they would have a greater chance of surviving a gun attack, or even avoiding one? These so called ''crazy'' murderers are seldom, if ever sufficiently ''crazy'' to attack anyone or any group which is able to defend themselves.

Side: Apparently not.
1 point

I bet they were just looking for an excuse to show off their dildos ;)

Side: Apparently not.
1 point

You are asking this question to a bunch of people who regularly come onto a low trafficked almost unknown debate site to call each other names, tell jokes or ban people, rather than debating?

Side: Apparently not.
2 points

I see the irony is not lost on you ;)

Side: Apparently not.
2 points

What do Glocks have to do with cocks?

Side: Wait..., what?
1 point

Excellent question which you should pose to the crazy left. I would love to see their responses to that. Would be quite entertaining for sure.

Side: Wait..., what?
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

Cocks are something that the uptight, conservative state of Texas outlaws any public display of. Guns are not.

Get the issue? Of course not, you're a retardican... Wait, that's a typo sorry.

Side: Apparently not.
1 point

Well that escalated quickly ;)

Your mama is a retardican ;)

Side: Apparently not.
1 point

Sounds like a great time to me.

Side: Wait..., what?
1 point

A black Cock is not scary but a black Glock is to the white girl. What a State of Confusion the leftist live in.

Side: Wait..., what?
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You find black cocks to be scarier than black glocks?

Side: Apparently not.