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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Yeah, that was cool!!! Hell no!!!
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yeah, that was cool!!! (1)
 Hell no!!! (3)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Should more music be converted from Major to Minor?

Yeah, that was cool!!!

Side Score: 1

Hell no!!!

Side Score: 3

We need more drama in our music because the drama we get on CD is not enough ;)

Side: Yeah, that was cool!!!
1 point

I don't now if it was because of the chords, or just because of their delivery, but this was not that great it did not make it sound as upbeat as I recall the song to be, it sounded more ominous and dramatic.

It sounded a lot like "mad world" by Gary Jules, in the beginning.

Side: Hell no!!!

That is exactly what it means to change a song from major to minor. Here's one more:

Side: Hell no!!!

it did not make it sound as upbeat as I recall the song to be, it sounded more ominous and dramatic.

And now you know the aesthetic difference between major and minor chords.

Side: Hell no!!!