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Makes sense to me. Atheists don't believe in hell
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Atheists don't believe in hell (5)

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jolie(9809) pic

Should theists threaten atheists with hell?

Makes sense to me.

Side Score: 0

Atheists don't believe in hell

Side Score: 6
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1 point

I don't know what theists can threaten atheists with.

Side: Atheists don't believe in hell
1 point

This is impossible because Hell doesn't exist so how can anyone be threatened by a non-existent threat....???

Side: Atheists don't believe in hell
1 point

Oh, you're definitely going to he'll for that comment.

Side: Atheists don't believe in hell

If by theists you mean Christians, most would never threaten people with hell. Atheists and Liberals like to paint Christians as judgmental people trying to make moral laws and threatening people with Hell. That is a lie!

Christians understand that their faith is a choice. It is not possible to force someone to be a Christian and therefore would never try to do so. Those that would threaten a person with Hell are misguided at best. Now there is nothing wrong with explaining the consequences when one chooses the world over God but that should be done in a caring way. No Christians wishes for anyone to end up in Hell.

It is no news flash that Atheists do not believe in Hell as with many others. That does not help much if they are wrong.

Side: Atheists don't believe in hell

My friends do that to me all the time. Then I ask them "What evidence is there to prove hell exist", then they feel super shame

Side: Atheists don't believe in hell