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Cut them some slack. Agitate the hell out of them.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Cut them some slack. (7)
 Agitate the hell out of them. (2)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Should we be more patient with mentally challenged persons or just agitate them?


I love to tease people but when it comes to the mentally challenged, it's more like abuse.  But who knows, maybe some of you find it entertaining.

Cut them some slack.

Side Score: 7

Agitate the hell out of them.

Side Score: 2

I just happen to enjoy a challenge. It's no fun to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Which is why I don't debate much ;)

Side: Cut them some slack.
1 point

Agitating someone with a MC issue would be the worst thing anyone could consider doing. Having a MC issue is challenging enough to deal with without being ill treated. Many people with an MC issue feel bad enough about the social stigma they have suffered without ignorant people adding more woe to their lives. Those without such issues should support people who do and help them to succeed in whatever they want to achieve.

Side: Cut them some slack.
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

How exactly are you using MC?

Side: Cut them some slack.

Mentally challenged.

Side: Cut them some slack.

We should be more patient for these mentally challenged people. It is only nice since we are not suffering the same things as they are. Some of these mentally challenged people are darn smart so don't mess around.. lol

Side: Cut them some slack.
1 point

You are referring to Dana. She has mental health issues, I understand. This does not excuse her from posting the same thing 100s of times and ignoring other peoples point of view. There are some things that you cannot do if you in life depending on your individual flaws. Debating when you are unable to take into account the views of others and to make a relevant response is one of the things that she cannot do.

Side: Agitate the hell out of them.
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

How does that not excuse her when that's part of the disorder?

Side: Cut them some slack.

It's not that you should focus on agitating the hell out of people, but you that doesn't mean you should allow them to do anything. The best thing you can do for someone who is mentally challenged is treat them like any other person. If they are messing up, you're allowed to let them know. If you attack them, insult them, and devalue them as a person, well, that's a bad thing to do to anyone, regardless of disabilities.

Ultimately, it ends up depending on what the disability is. If someone can think and is just being stubborn, even if they lack the ability to gain full understanding, you're allowed to get a little annoyed, just as you would with a non-disabled person. But if a person has a disability that makes them unable to rectify what they are doing wrong or to understand, then you cut them slack. But that is pretty rare.

Side: Agitate the hell out of them.