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Optimistic. Pessimistic.
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Optimistic. (11)
 Pessimistic. (6)

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jolie(9809) pic

Should we be optimistic or pessimistic about the future.

“Hard Ceilings” Doomed Past Societies

Can we do better?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 6
1 point

Anything that improves rush hour traffic can't be all that bad.

Side: Optimistic.
1 point

Civilisations have risen and fallen throughout history and human animals are still here so it is reasonable to be optimistic that whatever we face we will overcome until we become the last endangered species

Side: Optimistic.
1 point

What about the dark ages?

Side: Optimistic.
DKCairns(868) Disputed
1 point

The dark ages spawned the period we know as enlightenment and renaissance, the period of light and a time of great optimism

Side: Pessimistic.
1 point

Those hard ceilings are not applicable to the current civilization. Too many different factors to provide an accurate assessment, similar to the climate change trend assessments.

Side: Optimistic.
1 point

We can assess all we want, it doesn't mean we're going to do anything about it.

For example, do you actually believe that I would trade in my Hummer for a Prius?

Side: Optimistic.
KOMfs(35) Clarified
1 point

I was just pointing out why the hard ceilings are not a valid basis for pessimism. People trade in Hummers for Prius's for a lot of different reasons. I have no idea what reasons would be applicable to you.

Side: Optimistic.

I choose optimistic... What you usually believe for usually becomes true... Happiness, Cheer, AND JOY ALL THE TIMEEEEE

Side: Optimistic.
1 point

it's for sure that everybody can go through rough times so we become pessimistic about everything or some people are just pessimistic it's part of their personality.

according to me, we should be optimistic about the future we always should have hope about a better future for us and for future generation.

but we should not only be optimistic we should work hard to make our dreams come true and make what we were optimist about a reality so we keep being optimist.

also, being optimist about the future makes us live better, we become happier, and we can see everything from a good perspective

Side: Optimistic.
1 point

Half the country thinks that we should remain backwards and only use fossil fuels and ignore evolution and science.

Side: Pessimistic.
1 point

You're going to die. .

Side: Pessimistic.