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 Spouse Swapping Swingers - what's the point? (5)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Spouse Swapping Swingers - what's the point?


Do people actually get married so that they can then turn around, join a swinger's club, and trade in their spouse for someone else's spouse for a "meaningful overnight relationship"?

What if you like the other person's spouse better, can you refuse to take your old spouse back?

What if you do NOT like the other spouse better, can you ask for monetary compensation?

Are there clubs where people swap toothbrushes and/or underwear?

Is swapping a form of polygamy?

Is it considered cheating if you trade in someone you are NOT married to?

Are spouses rated using a five star rating system so you know exactly what you're getting beforehand?

Should the government regulate this?


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2 points

People who don't get it simply... don't get it.

Marriage is about being with someone who you love and share many common interests with. It's NOT about sex. Sex is a physical act that feels really good and is really fun. Sure, with someone you love can make it special, but that doesn't mean that you'd have to just have sex with that person forever. If a couple chooses to fuck around, it's because they enjoy sex for the pleasure and not just for the love. Loving is sex is good and all, but that doesn't alter sex in general.

But like I said, those who don't get it just don't get it. And they probably never will. They've grown up with a certain mentality and it would be really hard to convince them that there are people out there who are just as happy or even happier doing things completely different them.

Side: lifestyle

I think people should think long and hard before getting married and then sticking with that spouse until you get a divorce ;)

Side: lifestyle
1 point

You never see stand-up comedians bitching about being able to swing...

Side: lifestyle

Well..., they are mostly on the road, without their spouses..., in need of some..., uh..., release ;)

Side: lifestyle
1 point

I find it disgusting but to each it's own. Why bother getting married if you are going to be swapping partners like that.

Side: lifestyle