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 The meaning of life finally revealed (35)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

The meaning of life finally revealed

All living organisms have similar processes.

1.  They absorb nutrients to generate energy.  For example, higher animals ingest food and plants absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide.

2.  They reproduce.  For example, higher animals reproduce through sex and some smaller organisms through division.

3.  They excrete.  For example, higher animals crap and plants release oxygen into the air.

So, the moment you've all been waiting for with bated breath, the meaning of life (at least for humans) is to eat, drink, piss, crap and have sex.  Anything else after that is just icing on the cake ;)


The reason this is a popularity contest instead of a VS format, is that you may have a different opinion that doesn't fit into the yes/no format.

BTW, this may be my last debate for a while since I'm going on vacation, so make the best of a week without joe ;)


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2 points

First off, have a great time on vacation. Where are you going?

Okay, now I have to disagree with you. I wish it was that simple, but a human being who eats, drinks, craps, and has sex will not be a happy person. His body will be happy, but his mind will be bored. Humans need to socialize- we are social creatures.

Side: we need to socialize

OK, first off, Hawaii.

And like I said, the rest (socializing, etc.) is just icing on the cake, it's what keeps us wanting to hang around ;)

Side: we need to socialize
1 point

We only feel the need for socializing though because that's how we've been raised for the past couple centuries. What about people that find more meaning by not socializing?

Side: we need to socialize
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

I think it's just in our nature. I mean, even back when we were apes (meaning our ancestors were apes) they were social creatures. The same goes with our human curiosity of how things work and our yearning to discover what the world has to offer.

Side: we need to socialize

I don't believe that there is one sole meaning of life, but love, I believe is a huge factor. I had a love for twenty years. They were the best of my life. Between the ages of 17 and 38, I was happy as can be. But now I am old, tired, and alone. Love. If there is one thing that any young person could have, aside from, you know, the usual, success, yada yada yada, it should be love. Everyone needs a little love.

Side: love

I've been thinking about this debate for sometime now and I finally got a round to typing it in ;)

Side: love

Ah, but just because we can do these things, it doesn't mean it's our purpose!

I always resort to... the meaning of life is to search for the meaning of life.

Side: to search for the meaning of life

Not only is it our purpose, it is our destiny. Now go out there and do the right thing ;)

Side: to search for the meaning of life
1 point

Just because those are all things living creatures do does not mean that is the meaning of life. I don't think that there is an objective purpose of life. Each person may have their own subjective belief of what they want their purpose to be, but clearly there can be no one objective purpose as each person has their own opinion and they often conflict. And no one can be more correct than someone else because their beliefs are formed from their subjective experiences of their lives.

This belief is known as existential nihilism if anyone is curious about it.

Side: There is none

Lets just assume for the moment that there is a God and all He wants you to do (or that he cares about) is to eat, drink, have sex and take a crap. Then anything else you may want to do doesn't matter. You may be free to do it but it's not part of the plan. It's just icing on the cake.

Side: There is none
ledhead818(638) Disputed
0 points

I can never tell if you are actually crazy or just trolling.

Side: There is none
1 point

Haha, there's a key difference in what Joe's saying... he's saying that's all the meaning OF life, not the meaning FOR life. Without those elements, we definitely wouldn't be here. But the meaning FOR life... that's another issue.

Side: you may be right I may be crazy

Oh. You're right. That's clever.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: you may be right I may be crazy

The meaning FOR life is to participate in the chaos. The universe tends towards chaos. When life tries to organize the chaos it defines the chaos because without organization, there would be no chaos. Once organized, forces at work begin to make it disorganized, thus adding to the chaos. Humans add to the chaos by, for example, converting food into crap. But hell, just turn on your TV and watch the news to see chaos in action ;)

Side: you may be right I may be crazy
1 point

the meaning of life (at least for humans) is to eat, drink, piss, crap and have sex.

That is merely the bare minimum it takes for a species to survive.

The meaning of live is to find happiness.

Side: Happiness

For me, happiness is when people leave you alone when you're eating, drinking, craping, pissing and having sex. ;)

Side: Happiness
1 point

hahaha wow I got no comeback for that, and it made me laugh all in one. Nice job.

Side: Happiness
1 point

The meaning of life to be finding happiness doesn't apply to everyone though. Many people rather live on success, or power, amongst other things. In fact, success is the most common thing people list as their reason to live... and not that many people that really succeed at anything are truly happy. In fact, I think the majority of life is NOT truly happy and lots of us like to think we are though.

Side: Happiness

For me, success is when people leave me alone when I'm eating, drinking, craping, pissing and having sex. ;)

Side: Happiness
1 point

first off, what island? Kauai is great! If you're not going to Kauai I suggest you contact your travel agent and have your flight changed at whatever cost. Or call me on my work number and I'll fix everything for you.


Wouldn't the meaning of life pertain to all life? And personally I belief the meaning of life is life itself.

As the miley Cyrus song, as I heard it from the stereo of the convertable of a 50+ yo man next to me at a stop light this morning and had never ever ever heard it before in my life...cough

it's not about what's waitin' on the other side, it's the climb

Side: Happiness

First off, Maui. Are you a travel agent? I can't change a thing now but could you get great deals in the future? You may not want to leave your work number here so if you want to contact me directly, just google joe_cavalry. I've been building up my internet persona, my altered ego, for years. In other words, what google returns is all me ;)

Then leave me a message on how to contact you at work and come back here and tell me where you left the message.

Side: Happiness
1 point

Travel agencies are dead, I'm something more innovative. I deal mostly with small, independent hotels who are struggling. I work more for hotels than people.

But I was just kidding, I don't want you to know how to contact me. :P

But seriously! You need to go to Kauai!

Side: Happiness
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

it's not about what's waitin' on the other side, it's the climb

Assuming nothing is on the other side.

Let me ask you a question; do you believe true happiness to be temporary?

Once you climb to the top of the wall you cease to exist forever? So you mine as well just try to have fun right? even if it makes the climb shorter? More dangerous?

Side: Happiness
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

Nothing is on the other side.

So it depends on your definition of temporary and if you believe in an afterlife. Your memory lasts a lifetime, and one can always recall a memory of pure happiness for the entirity of their lifetime. Those happy memories are priceless.

And yes, enjoy the climb. Whatever the climb may be, and wherever it may take you.

Side: Happiness