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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:18
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 True. (4)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

The single most versatile answer to most debates is, it depends


Go to any debate.

Pick any side.

And type in,

"It depends."

Then submit your answer


read what the debate is about.

More often than not, the answer will fit.


Side Score: 7

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 7

You're right!!! I'm going to start using that answer from now on. As a matter of fact, I think I'll use it right here... On this debate... On that side over there ---> ;)

Side: True.
1 point

I just tried it. I closed my eyes most of the way so that I would not know what debate I was on, then I simply chose a position. I did it on the "Is a clones human really a human" debate. "It depends." That sounds about right.

Side: True.
1 point

I find myself saying it a lot. Not because I don't want to pick a side but because my answer changes depending on the circumstances. I like to be precise.

Side: True.

Yes, definitely true for me. I certainly have opinions on certain issues, but I can hardly say that any of my arguments apply to all situations. It;s just habitual for me; I have to make that clear in every debate. And saying "it depends" isn't (always#) the same as not taking a stance on an issue.

# See, case in point! Haha.

Side: True.
2 points

Take sides! Always take sides! You will sometimes be wrong—but the man who refuses to take sides must always be wrong.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

That really depends on the debate. ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Haha that too!! ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

What do you mean it would fit?

If you want to write something that's filled with new ideas and interesting information, rather than writing the most bland and boring comment imaginable, then I think a wise comment would fit a lot better.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

It is probably the most annoying answer.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!