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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

Yes, yes, oh my God, yes! You hooker!
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes, yes, oh my God, yes! (1)
 You hooker! (2)

Debate Creator

SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

Well lookie here, a safe way to get laid.

Yes, yes, oh my God, yes!

Side Score: 1

You hooker!

Side Score: 3
Side: Yes, yes, oh my God, yes!
2 points

This is not safe. It could EASILY be a rip off. The information could EASILY be fake, through the poster, even though it isn't. The only thing I'll admit that disputes that is that that would be libel, which as you all probably know, is the legal exception to the first amendment. This is shit. It may or may not get you laid by a girl or a 45 year old man with a fake picture of a 20 year old girl, so this is the OPPOSITE of safe. You never know WHO IS REALLY the person who posted the picture, because there's no way of proving anything.

I guess if you got your gf's profile and looked at the results, but at that point I think one would just ask the girl. Even if she lied and said she was safe even though she wasn't, which she could do over this app too, at least that way there's a minute possibility of proving it because you could TRY to find her doctor to get her actual test results. If she doesn't want to even share THAT with you and her doctor keeps it confidential, find some other girl.

That's WAY safer than an online app for this, which is the equivalent of online dating. Again, this app is shit. I'll admit if it worked, it PROBABLY WOULD be convenient.

Side: You hooker!

True that, I was half joking. Half hoping to get laid. LOL. .

Side: You hooker!