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Debate Score:11
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 What do you imagine nuns do during their spare time? (Nice picture inside). (9)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What do you imagine nuns do during their spare time? (Nice picture inside).

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Isn't that sacrilegious or something ;)

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Does it matter?

YES, it matters!!! They could end up going to hell!!! ;)

2 points

Each other.

Not raunchy ones though. I ain't about that.

I imagine they brush their teeth, read a little, clean their chambers, spread nunly gossip, maybe exercise. Basic, boring stuff not entirely different from those of us not of the nun persuasion.

I'm sorry to hear that you're not getting laid ;)

MuckaMcCaw(1969) Disputed
1 point

So am I :(

1 point

I don't know if this is a revelation, but I feel I need to confess, I used to dress up like a nun and masturbate; but luckily I got out of that habit.

thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

Well played, sir. Well played. Did it save you on laundry?