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Sperm. Women crying about nonsense.
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Sperm. (3)
 Women crying about nonsense. (6)

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jolie(9809) pic

What is the primary use of Kleenex?

Clue:  Not sneezing.


Side Score: 3

Women crying about nonsense.

Side Score: 7
1 point

Well, women do cry at least once a day, but the average young man wanks more often than that.

Side: Sperm.
1 point

As a teenager I must've gone through a million Kleenexes as a Wank-Aid.

But then I learned there was a far superior product out there!

A nice slightly damp warm wash cloth.



Side: Sperm.
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Really. I thought you might be more of a Chuck Norris type. Sandpaper and motor oil.

Side: Sperm.
1 point

That kind of depends on whether one forgot to pick up the toilet paper.

Side: Sperm.
1 point

Crying about nonsense?!?! How dare you sob you can't judge us! We don't cry about nonsense, it just rains indoors a lot!

Side: Women crying about nonsense.
SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, right.

But I have a question for you. Some of us guys here were joking around about masturbating. And of course we all know that the most common slang for that particular endeavor is "jacking off."

Just the other day I heard--well, actually read--an article from a college girl and she was speaking on females masturbating. She referred to it as "Jilling off."


Listen....I'm almost 35 years old and used to be quite the womanizer and party animal and liked to think I know more about women than the average bear. And I am now engaged and will be married next Spring. But in all my days I have never heard that term, Jilling off.

So is it possible women have been saying this forever? How did I miss it?

BTW: it's stupid sounding to me. Obviously a rip-off an our term. Sounds like a term that perhaps sprang from the 70s feminazi movement.

So, care to enlighten us?

Side: Sperm.
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Yeahhhh that's a relatively new term so don't worry about having never hearing of it before, it's something I heard about a month or two ago. I stupidly asked "Wha?" When I heard it and I run around with some raunchy women. It just sounds really weird to jelly or something.

Grats on your upcoming wedding!

Side: Sperm.