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It's coming to an end Business as usual
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:14
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 It's coming to an end (4)
 Business as usual (6)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

It's coming to an end

Side Score: 6

Business as usual

Side Score: 7
3 points

Well, that's definitely a sign of the coming apocalypse. I'm pretty sure the Mayans mentioned this in one of their prophecies.

Side: It's coming to an end
1 point

I think you're right. Seems like I remember them prophesying that such a book would go on sale at Amazon in the end days. LOL

Side: It's coming to an end
1 point

I don't think it's coming to an end just cuz someone used something abusive in a book. But, nothing is stable. When people assume that they have the power for everything that is involved. It is Bizzare and Impossible!

If you have faith in God. You ought to remain modest with that belief and not Outrun him.

If your an Atheist. You might not need a ruler. But, there is a guardian. Nature. Stop screwing with it.

Human beings are not the Ultimate. We come with expiration. So carrying an attitude that will bring you to Rags. You deserve an End.

Side: It's coming to an end

It's coming to an end tomorrow repent, sinners, you will all die. Mhwoh.

Side: It's coming to an end
2 points

There are no bad words but bad meanings. It is surprising to see a children's book with that title. But that is because society is not used to seeing children's book with those kind of titles. I personally think that when this world or society becomes more ease to words like the "f" word, children probably won't say it as much as they do now or then.

It is weird from the satisfaction you get when you do curse. When i curse, i feel so much better. I guess that is because of how society really restricted that word. Overall, it is just a word. It is not like when you say it, the world is going to explode.

King Regards :)

Side: Business as usual

Well...., what else are you supposed to do if your kid won't get the F* to sleep ;)

Side: Business as usual
1 point

Interesting. I'm not sure if parents are buying this so that they can read it to their kids. Also not sure if this is even real (it is cnbc).

Side: Business as usual
1 point

It does state in the article that it was written with the grown-ups in mind.

Side: Business as usual
1 point

Listen they had made a dictionary so people would understand the slang and thug language so what is so weird about that. They like promoting this because whether we like it or not it sells.

Side: Business as usual

Obviously, kids want to read this book because it apparently creates curiosity.

Side: Business as usual