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 What silly things have you done while walking around in your sleep? (4)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What silly things have you done while walking around in your sleep?

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2 points

Not sure why, but for some reason I woke up with a whole lot of extra spending money! LOL

1 point

I don't walk around when I sleep.

A few years after college I had severe insomnia and was prescribed ambien. After taking it the first time and going to bed, I woke up outside laying on the front lawn, and was later advised that I had taken over leading a raid in my wow guild (yeah, I was one of those...) when the leader had to log off, and was evidently quite successful at it for 2 hours or so before I started babbling incoherently into the mic. No clue how or why I ended up outside.

1 point

Started a bomb scare in my house. In my dream I was sure that I had somehow set my phone to explode, and was so worried about it that I sleepwalked.

"It's going to explode! Quick! We have to find it!"
