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Language Grade Level uses the Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level formula.

Debate Statistics for What silly things have you done while walking around in your sleep?
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Side scores:
What silly things have you done while walking around in your sleep? : 10

Total arguments:
What silly things have you done while walking around in your sleep? : 4

Word lengths:
What silly things have you done while walking around in your sleep? : 3.83 ave

Language grade level:
Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level
What silly things have you done while walking around in your sleep? : 7th

Vocabulary overlap:
What silly things have you done while walking around in your sleep?

Total words used:
What silly things have you done while walking around in your sleep? : 156

Word frequencies:
after  around  babbling  before  bomb  clue  college  don't  dream  ended  evidently  explode  extra  few  guild  hours  house  incoherently  leader  log  lol  lot  mic  money  off  outside  over  phone  quick  quite  reason  scare  set  severe  sleep  sleepwalkedit's  somehow  spending  started  successful  sure  those  walk  whole  why  woke  worried  wow  yeah  years