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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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 What went through your mind just before your first time? (10)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What went through your mind just before your first time?

A girl I knew a long time ago confided in me that her first thought (just before) was, "It ain't going to fit!"  I guess she had no idea how determined some men are ;)

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2 points

First time doing what? Please provide detailed instructions.

You know... your first time doing IT. You know...., IT! As in, IT! ;)

Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

That it!!!! Why didn't you say so.

My first thought: I should have purchased the operators manual for these Trojans.

Supporting Evidence: Trojan (
2 points

Hmmm, two things went through my head. And they are two fairly boring things:

1) I hope it doesn't hurt too bad >_<


2) I really love him.

The first one was quickly snuffed and the second one lasted the whole time.

Then after we were done we were laying on the bed cuddling and there was a knock on the door. For some reason my first thought to that was "GOD DAMN IT! HOW DID MY MOM KNOW?!?!"

-__- It turned out the to be the neighbor kid...

You got to cuddle? I thought you were just supposed to... you know...., roll over and fall asleep ;)

1. Once you get passed the smell you'll have it licked.

2. Does a lesbian's tongue get hard?

3. Ah, that must be the tain't!

4. I guess I'm supposed to flick this thing here.

5. Where the hell is the fucking manual?

All of that and this:

I was a romantic. It didn't last ;)


I fainted only to regain consciousness right after right before.

This is a vulgar debate though, you know that right?

Yeah. I'm not above it ;)

1 point

My first thought was "oh my where are you going with that" and then damn that hurt or course followed with is he almost done?

You mean no one told you that..... You know how a shot signifies the start of a race? Or how the gushing of champagne signifies the start of the party? Well, it signifies intermission for a man ;)