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True. Wait..., What? No!!!
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 True. (3)
 Wait..., What? No!!! (2)

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jolie(9809) pic

When a man says he will do anything for a woman, he means that

He will stop bullets and slay dragons.  NOT clean toilets and dodishes.


Side Score: 3

Wait..., What? No!!!

Side Score: 2
1 point

I can vouch for this. ;)

Side: True.

It's difficult to do both. I mean do you really expect Sir Gallant Knight in Shining armour to be whacking dragons and deflecting bullets whilst scrubbing shit which has hardened like reinforced structural concrete from the the lavatory bowl?

Side: True.
1 point

Why not? Multitasking, my friend! You can always hope the bullets hit the concrete turd and ricochets back to the shooter with the added bonus of possibly chipping the turd crust off the toilet. Or better yet, the dragons whacking results in a dead dragon crushing the house with it's massive body which THEN results in the selling of it's body parts at premium and finally results in a beach side home with a butler that cleans the porcelain poo filth.

Side: True.
1 point

Man says that sentence but for some mean things that should be used by his woman wisely. Only matured girls will use it properly rest of them try to use that quote for silly things. So, better man should be away from saying that word. But should help a woman at any purpose.

Side: Wait..., What? No!!!
1 point

I believe this phrase is thrown around to loosely. A man (assuming he loves the given woman) will go to great lengths to both protect, provide, care for the woman of his affections, however we have evolved as a society to not be so foolish as to think that it's only the man who should be self sacrificing. I think it valiant for a man (or like stated, anyone of any gender/sex) to go through hardships for their partner but where is the line drawn? If a co-worker is spreading rumors behind their partners back, is it now the others duty to challenge them to a duel? Or perhaps just murder them in cold blood? Is this something a normal functioning member of society is even capable of? I think the statement holds significant sentiment and shows love, but I however don't think the concept of doing anything and everything is able to be so carelessly applied to every couple.

Side: Wait..., What? No!!!