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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

Debate Info

True Wait..., what? No!
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:28
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 True (4)
 Wait..., what? No! (11)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

When girls do it, it's sexy. When guys do it..., not so much.


Side Score: 6

Wait..., what? No!

Side Score: 22
3 points
Side: True

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Side: True

So does this make me sexist? And why the hell doesn't he pull his pants up? ;)

Side: True
1 point

Unless it's me and my awesome sexily and studily body then hell yes. :P

Side: True
2 points

That should be your profile pic! LOL

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

How is it sexy when anyone ever takes a picture in the bathroom and is too stupid to turn the camera around and use the mirror to take a better picture?

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

That is so not sexy, maybe if it was a better looking guy with a super hot body!

Side: Wait..., What? No!
3 points

That is so not sexy, maybe if it was a better looking guy with a super hot body!

I've tried, but my camera keeps melting.

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

Sorry I will send you a super Camera so you can try again .

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

That is not sexy at all!! Boooooooooooo !

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

And what's up with that hairstyle? Was he trying for the Bieber look?

Side: Wait..., What? No!

He looks a little cold ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

Lol - my husband sent me a picture of himself when he was away for the weekend with his friends and I thought it was sooo sweet (and freaking hot!) so I gotta say it can be just as good when the guy does it - if he is handsome like my huni ;)

Side: Wait..., What? No!
2 points

Why are so many guys doing this now? It's so stupid. Get someone else to take your pictures. If you're too embarassed to ask someone else to take your picture, then why the hell are you posting shirtless mirror pics online for everyone to see? Guys seem to be getting more and more feminine, and that pink camera isn't helping either. Go fix a car or something and stop copying your sister!

Side: Wait..., What? No!
1 point

I think the whole "OMG its me in the mirror must take a picture to show everyone" or "I am so amazing I took a picture of myself" trick is just pathetic now.

Side: Wait..., What? No!