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 Who the heck is Chad when it isn't Sunday? (10)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Who the heck is Chad when it isn't Sunday?


This question is just as puzzling as his picture.


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I could never have

Standing here with you

One regret

One mistake

Nothing we could do

After this is done

You can go your way

Don't forget

This is how

Everything should be

Don't you ever go

2 points

Well, I was wondering the same thing at first, but he is still Chad on every day of the week so....

This isn't it, but perhaps I'm a particular way on Sunday and that's where the name comes from? "I am Chad on Sunday" is not the only possible interpretation of "ChadOnSunday." Perhaps I discuss Sunday, as in "Dr. Chad On Health?"

I'm sorry..., I got bored of talking about myself. I know, I know..., I too didn't think that was possible so enjoy it while you can because who knows how long it'll last before I go back to talking about myself ;)

1 point

I got bored of talking about myself

I... Don't understand.

And the picture is from 1984 ;)

ChadOnSunday(1837) Clarified
1 point

Aaaaaaand no longer. Thanks for reminding me, I've been meaning to swap it out for a while now.

Wow that generation was kind of dumb. Just kidding!

Maybe He has different account on here hopefully He doesn't because that would look bad for Him. His name has two twist to it He rather be called Chad on Sundays or He is on here just on Sundays I don't know.

Chad is on Chad on Sunday, so who is he on Monday through Saturday. Is he Chet?

No. Not Chet. But that's usually what ends up written on my cup should I ever happen to order something from Starbucks or Jamba Juice.