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Debate Score:51
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jolie(9809) pic

Why Is It Legitimate To Change Genders, But Not Ethnicity?

Caitlyn Jenner identifies as a woman, Rachel Dolezal as black. Why should one be legitimate and the other condemned?

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Because gender, by nature of what it is, is able to be changed. Ethnicity isn't.

Now if you compared sex and gender, that would be more accurate, though neither can be changed.

1 point

Michael Jackson went from being black to being white.

2 points

His skin color went from black to white. His ethnicity did not go from African American to Caucasian.

People in the U.S. have a weird issue with conflating skin color with ethnicity. Not saying you in particular do, mind you, so my apologies if that comes across as a personal attack as it is not intended that way.

Harvard(666) Disputed
1 point

Ethnicity: the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.

You can change cultures, and you can change social groups; so how, exactly, can you not change ethnicities?

1 point

Maybe we should make it so that you have to be accepted by the community in question before you can identify with it. Women would get to vote whether or not to let Bruce Jenner into their little club and let him take home the woman of the year award. Similarly, blacks would get a chance to vote whether or not to accept Rachel Dolezal as a sister.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Within the context of non-serious ideas, that would indeed be amusing.

Within the context of serious ideas, that would be horrible.

1 point

I would vote as many people out of my group as possible and never allow anyone to join. I would create a very exclusive club.

1 point

gluing a stick onto a bucket doesn't make it a tree

1 point

Wait... wait.... are you saying that you can't break off the handle off a cooking pot and make a drinking cup?

1 point

How come you have pots and pans but no cups

You can change your outward appearance and even claim sexual preference.

You cannot change your DNA structure. Yet.

1 point

DNA has to do with race. This debate is about ethnicity, not race.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Considering how ethnicity pertains to shared genealogy, they both have to do with DNA.

GoneFishing(126) Clarified
1 point

I think that might be a half truth? So speaking about ethnicity, why wouldnt one be able to change? Knowing that, "An ethnic group or ethnicity is a socially defined category of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural or national experience".


A person who was born in the city (identified themselves as "city slickers"), joined the military, got out and moved to the mountains somewhere. They (and others they know) would identify themselves as "mountain men" or similar terminology.

Wouldn't this be an example of changing ethnically?

-1 points

I support race-change 100%. I just don't support Eminem saying nigger and neither does the rap community.

GoneFishing(126) Disputed
1 point

It's not about color with that terminology, it's the culture you were raised in. It's a hateful word and shouldn't be supported period, regardless of who uses it. In my opinion.