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 Why has Allah forsaken his people and let Israel win Olympic Gold? (6)

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jolie(9809) pic

Why has Allah forsaken his people and let Israel win Olympic Gold?

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Because it's difficult for a Deity which is no more than the figment of a paedophile's crazed imagination to do anything. The fact that millions of hysterical people, mainly sweaty Arabs worship this fictional character doesn't make him/her any more real than all the other man made Gods. This question could also include, why do millions of so called Muslim refugees have to travel through oil rich Islamic States to seek solace in the countries of Christendom. Even the thickest Muslims with their illusory God must wonder why Allah expects the, equally imaginary Christian God to do his dirty work.

2 points

Allah is facilitating the spread of Muslim refugees so that they can take over the world. ;)

1 point

Probably to start World War III. He knows how to rile up the Muslims.

Becuase Isrealis are fucking badass. Also, because the female athletes are basically not allowed to go anywhere without the permission of their hubbies.

1 point

Training and determination won Olympic Gold, not any Flying Spaghetti Monster.

1 point

Well, Judas got 30 pieces of silver a couple centuries ago. Maybe one piece of gold costs a little less than all that silver again? God's got to hold to a budget too you know.