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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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I hope so It'll never happen
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 I hope so (5)
 It'll never happen (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Will jet-Packs be mass produced before 2020?

It's been a long time coming. While Arthur C. Clarke's satellites have taken to space, and James Bond's futuristic mobile technology has become common place, still the dream of sustained personal flight has eluded us. But the future is here! Finally we can all take flight as Martin Aircraft in New Zealand releases the first commercially-available jet pack!

I hope so

Side Score: 5

It'll never happen

Side Score: 7

I'm going to start saving my pennies now. I want to be ready when they first come out ;)

Side: I hope so
1 point

It probably won't happen, but I wouldn't rule it out. But it says it's 250 lbs. I'll wait until it gets maybe a little bit lighter. I also wouldn't trust the masses with them: they're terrible drivers, let alone 3D pilots. After all, you don't see everyone having their own personal satellites.

Side: I hope so

OK, so what if we don't allow Asians to use them? Would they then let the rest of us ;)

Side: I hope so
1 point

cadillacs are cool.. i guess.. but check out this dude, he's got a fucking Jetpack.

Side: I hope so
1 point

let's say you were having a conversation at a party, but now it's time to leave. "Well alright, I'll see you later then" strap into your jetpack, put one fist up in the air, and take off like a super hero.

with that said "uni-flying" under the influence is not cool

Side: I hope so

I want my own personal jet pack, but it will never happen because people drive like idiots with automobiles. How are they supposed to fly with a mini rocket on their backs?

Side: It'll never happen

OK, so what if we don't allow Asians to use them? Would they then let the rest of us ;)

Side: It'll never happen
1 point

I'm sure we would all love to see it happen, myself included. However, i cant see it happening for insurance purposes. I think the only place we will be able to fly them is for recreational use i.e. if you own a few acres of land or for certain professions i.e. park rangers.

Side: It'll never happen

I think it will be mass produced some day, but not before 2020. People need to learn a little more things about driving and other things on the ground before we start letting everyone take it to the skies. I'd be scared the thing would stop working while I'm in the sky.

Side: It'll never happen

OK, so what if we don't allow Asians to use them? Would they then let the rest of us ;)

Side: It'll never happen

Lmao! Have you ever seen the episode of Family Guy when the Asian goes across 8 lanes of traffic without signaling?

Side: It'll never happen