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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Sure why not. The in thing. Too late
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Sure why not. The in thing. (7)
 Too late (8)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Would you auction off your virginity to the highest bidder?

A teenager who sold her virginity online for £8,800 has revealed the details of her tryst with the winning bidder.

Sure why not. The in thing.

Side Score: 9

Too late

Side Score: 10
1 point

Well, if it's for a good cause, then I see no problem with that, but who would want to buy that from me? :) I don't know if they'd believe a guy as much as they'd believe a girl...

Side: Sure why not. The in thing.

True, but you could auction off your virgin ass because the bidders wont really care if it's true or not. This means that you can auction it off more than once ;)

Side: Sure why not. The in thing.
1 point

So, women who are stripping for money to pay for their babies and college is a good cause too?

Side: Sure why not. The in thing.
1 point

Well yes, that would be a good cause. But I was speaking personally. Like I would auction it off for a really good charity or for enough money to reach my goals.

Side: Sure why not. The in thing.
1 point

I would love to do that.

You're going to lose it either way. Might as well get some money for it!

Side: Sure why not. The in thing.
1 point

This reminds me of memoirs of a geisha. Good movie.

And no, no I wouldn't. I think first times should be a LITTLE more special than that. >_> At least for me. I know not everyone shares that idea and that's okay. I mean, in the case of the girl you mentioned, she was a teenager so someone should be getting in trouble, I would think...

Side: NO WAY
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
1 point

You know... that was one of the only movies I've ever liked as much as the book.

Anyway. Teens can hook too, don't discriminate.

Side: Too late
1 point

why not? if the moneys good and its not a bloke and the girl is not some hideuos monster then yeah im alright with it

Side: Sure why not. The in thing.
2 points

Since when is being a one time prostitute to the knowledge of the world over, something to be proud of?!

Side: NO WAY

OMG! Another person who sees it from my point of view ;)

Side: Too late
2 points

Lols. It depends if you look pretty enough, isn't it? Besides, it might be more prevalent in Western countries than Eastern countries. But NO, I wouldn't do it because firstly, it really depends on your looks, and I'm am sure that mine is not desirable enough. Lols. Secondly, it's weird! I mean, do you REALLY need THAT money?! It's almost equivalent to prostitution, except that this is more publicized. You are selling your freaking body!! -.- Of course, some people do not regard virginity as something to be given to their bethrothed on their wedding night, neither do I, but wouldn't it be better to pop your cherry to someone you actually know?

Side: Too late

What is this world coming to? Isn't this prostitution or a clever way to pay for college?

Side: Too late
1 point

It's an ancient practice, does that make it okay?

Your first time isn't usually a picnic anyway. So I wish I had, but I certainly would need to set certain parameters. For example, bidders would need to be approved before bidding. And it would certainly be worth more than $14,000. Bidding would have to start at like at least $750,000.

I'm sad for this girl, though. She really doesn't understand business. She's attractive and all, but with a little better 'packaging' she could have gotten a much better price!

I could turn that girl into a bomb shell for $1,600 ($1250 for hair extensions, $300 for a bomb ass outfit that hides those twig legs and pushes out that rack, and $50 for a cute little do-down-under if you know what I mean.) and girl would have gone for wayyyyy more.

This girl in not nearly as pretty, but her style is great, so they pay more.

Side: Too late

A bit late for me but no one could have bid that high...nor could I have chosen any better!

Side: Too late

Besides that it's too late, I don't really know if I could do this. If it wasn't actually my first time, and I lied brilliantly that it was, I would most certainly have sex for money! But everyone always remembers their first--forever--and what kind of person would buy another's virginity? The skeeviness of it would turn me off entirely for my first time.

Side: Too late