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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Debate Score:14
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joecavalry(40131) pic

How do women deal with the lack of toilet paper in public restrooms?

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2 points

I find that image disturbingly hot. .

I thought that the reason women to the bathroom together was so that if there was no toilet paper, the girl standing could firmly grasp the shoulders of the girl that is sitting and shake her. Bigger girls need 2 friends and the handicap stall ;)

What exactly is going on here? o_o

Sorry, the title got screwed up. Title has been updated. It looks like when there is no toilet paper in a public restroom, women take drastic action ;)

That's not what it looks like to me. Loool

1 point

She answered the question.........................................

1 point

Well... something is fishy because the sink is full of water and paper towels or toilet paper?

What exactly is that on the sink?

Also, is itjust me or the letters on the mirror reads as Lady....

1 point

The vending machine on the wall says "Lady Boutique"