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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Azra's Reward Points: 543

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument People who bring cancer to themselves should not recieve medical attention.
3 Added Argument America had no right to whine about the Tea Act
1 Added Argument What do you do for a living?
2 Added Argument The definition of prochoice for the antichoicers.
5 Created Debate There should be higher penalties for people who get caught not wearing a seatbelt
1 Added Argument For Christians: God is NOT all-loving
1 Added Argument The United States has lost its war prestige
3 Added Argument Lesbians are always man-like.
3 Added Argument What makes this site the best debate site out there?
1 Added Argument Oh my goodness Andy!!!
1 Added Argument Google Vs. Yahoo
0 Downvoted Argument Conception and birth are two different things.
0 Added Argument Conception and birth are two different things.
0 Added Argument Conception and birth are two different things.
1 Added Argument Are you a boy or girl
3 Added Argument Rap > All other genres of music.
5 Added Argument Praise AbbyNestor
-1 Downvoted Argument Is marijuana really a gateway drug?
5 Created Debate Is marijuana really a gateway drug?
3 Added Argument Should rap really be classed as music?
1 Added Argument An example of Great rap
-1 Downvoted Argument Should rap really be classed as music?
2 Added Argument Who are you... I mean who are you REALLY?!
8 Added Argument Should rap really be classed as music?
5 Created Debate Gay men are looked down upon but lesbians are promoted?
5 Added Argument ADULTS ONLY: 1,2,3,4, I declare a flirt war! ;)
1 Added Argument Hey Andy, come on over to the liberal dark side. We have cookies. ;)
10 Added Argument Sexy people on CreateDebate. ;)
2 Added Argument Sexy people on CreateDebate. ;)
1 Added Argument What is your favorite character from a tv show
6 Added Argument Does God pray?
4 Added Argument Does God pray?
2 Added Argument Can God create new rules for us to live by?
2 Added Argument I am angry at American men. Any Canadians want to give it a go?
1 Added Argument If you could meet someone in the past who would it be?
5 Added Argument If you could pick a superpower what would it be?
4 Added Argument Can God create new rules for us to live by?
1 Added Argument US Army vs Spartans. Who would win?
1 Added Argument Is it wrong to hate a family member?

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