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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Azra's Reward Points: 543

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Have You Ever Found Yourself in the Wrong Place At the Wrong Time?
1 Added Argument Do You Delete Debates That Aren't Going Your Way?
1 Added Argument Do you really trust President Obama?
3 Added Argument If you could talk to George Zimmerman, what would you say?
1 Added Argument Which field would you recommend? Computer Science or Nursing?
2 Added Argument Conscription or Voluntary Service?
4 Added Argument Would Romney have ran the U.S. better than Barack has?
3 Added Argument Whoa! It's Been a Pleasant Day on CreateDebate! Why?
1 Added Argument 80's or the 90's ?
1 Added Argument What's the Most Offensive Debate You Can Think Of?
10 Added Argument Whoa! It's Been a Pleasant Day on CreateDebate! Why?
4 Added Argument DanaForYeshua: Christian?

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