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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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Kilcom's Reward Points: 237

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument A conspiracy theory
1 Added Argument Is prochoice, proabortion?
2 Added Argument What is net neutrality, and are you willing, to explain, it?
3 Added Argument The Harvard leftist arrested for espionage with China, gave them Coronavirus
3 Added Argument Left wing Atheists are more self righteous than Muslims or Christians
1 Added Argument Left wing Atheists are more self righteous than Muslims or Christians
1 Added Argument Greta Thunberg: How dare you. Coronavirus: Hold my beer
1 Added Argument Italy Risks Losing Grip in South With Fear of Looting, Riots
1 Added Argument In a Pandemic, Do Doctors Still Have a Duty to Treat?
1 Added Argument Every eye will see Him
0 Added Argument I Hate Everyone
0 Added Argument There Is No Hope
-1 Downvoted Argument LOL! Ladies And Gentlemen, Your Coward Of A President...
0 Added Argument Swimming Against The Current
1 Added Argument LOL! Ladies And Gentlemen, Your Coward Of A President...
2 Added Argument LOL! Ladies And Gentlemen, Your Coward Of A President...
1 Added Argument US was more prepared for pandemic than any other country, Johns Hopkins study
1 Added Argument Media Matters accused Fox News of fear mongering virus in January
2 Added Argument Why not simply follow the Germans?
4 Added Argument Why not simply follow the Germans?
5 Created Debate Why not simply follow the Germans?
1 Added Argument Left wing media said the flu was worse than caronavirus and got people killed
1 Added Argument pop music is an inversion of art
1 Added Argument Democrats could help solve Coronavirus. Instead start new investigation of Trump
1 Added Argument Given the numbers, I think I'm gonna get it. I don't think I'll survive. Will you?
1 Added Argument Nancy Pelosi's husband files for divorce due to abuse and alcoholism
2 Added Argument ABC provably lies yet again
1 Added Argument Pentagon Confirms It’s Seeking 100,000 Body Bags in Virus Crisis
2 Added Argument A record 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment last week
1 Added Argument Pastor Arrested for Violating COVID Restrictions
0 Added Argument The leftists running Seattle say to turn in anyone who calls you a bad word
1 Added Argument Are these the end times?
1 Added Argument Is it evil to tolerate evil?
2 Added Argument Are Christians commanded to be tolerant in the Bible?
1 Added Argument Communist China's Sweatshops
2 Added Argument SARS virus found in Chinese biologist's luggage a year ago
1 Added Argument the more left wing you are, the more you hate jews and israel
0 Added Argument Let us dissect Ramshutu (Nom)'s Intelligent design logic
1 Added Argument For good debate, ban those you disagree with.
1 Added Argument Is the liberal versus conservative paradigm, a false dichotomy?
1 Added Argument Do You Have To Be Baptized To Be Saved?
1 Added Argument Do you pray? Do you believe, God hears, your prayers?
1 Added Argument Trump's sure and steady hand on the helm will guide us through these awful times.
2 Added Argument Trump's sure and steady hand on the helm will guide us through these awful times.
5 Created Debate Trump's sure and steady hand on the helm will guide us through these awful times.
1 Added Argument Italy breaking down into chaos
1 Added Argument ShoutOutLoud was an enemy to Prodigee (Wuwu) in the days of old.
1 Added Argument Mexican Protesters Block Border Traffic, Tell Americans to ‘Stay At Home’
1 Added Argument The evil, greedy Capitalist companies switch over to make supplies for hospitals
0 Added Argument Americans smarter than British, intelligence study shows
1 Added Argument It is clear that China is lying about its cases of Coronavirus and deaths
1 Added Argument Repent
1 Added Argument The places getting slammed with Coronavirus are due to liberals being dumb
1 Added Argument Admitting you were wrong is a sign of strength
2 Added Argument Are strong worker unions necessary for a fair and equal society?
1 Added Argument Trump signs the $2 trillion coronavirus economic relief bill into law
1 Added Argument Do i have to be a Muslim, to read the Quran?
1 Added Argument I am the Alpha and the Omega
1 Added Argument Americans. -- Super not smart.
1 Added Argument Human Rights and the corona virus outbreak
0 Added Argument Should the West cut off all dealings with China?
1 Added Argument Which would you prefer and why?
1 Added Argument What's it like to have Trump Derangement Syndrome?
1 Added Argument Is China gearing up for a world war?
1 Added Argument Boris Johnson tests positive for Coronavirus
-1 Downvoted Argument Are computer better than books
1 Added Argument Should Americans mass migrate to Canada and Mexico
3 Added Argument Economics Marchello Trangucci Test Debate
1 Added Argument Where did Americans get the idea that the flu was way worse than Coronavirus
1 Added Argument Where did Americans get the idea that the flu was way worse than Coronavirus
1 Added Argument Is outsourcing jobs from the United States bad for the economy?
2 Added Argument Does it take more intelligence to make more money or less on average?
1 Added Argument What will the post-coronacrisis world look like?
0 Added Argument When cops stay home, you are your own police
1 Added Argument Socialism is evil
1 Added Argument New York Times changes their stimulus bill headline 3 times
2 Added Argument Left vs Right
1 Added Argument Excon's first post ever on this site
1 Added Argument Fixed-Rate Versus Adjustable-Rate Mortgages
1 Added Argument War As a Necessary Tactic
1 Added Argument If it's sooo bad, in times of trouble, why do we reach for socialism and NOT capitalism?
1 Added Argument Illegals fleeing to Mexico to escape Coronavirus
1 Added Argument France blocks trucks with medical supplies headed for the UK and keeps them
2 Added Argument China's evil communist government is directly responsible for Corona outbreak
1 Added Argument Everywhere the Coronavirus spread to had leftist border travel policies
1 Added Argument Why does the anti science party turn to science when it's in trouble??
1 Added Argument Is it ethical to have a national DNA database?
1 Added Argument Women refuse to date men who make less money than them
1 Added Argument When Her Majesty's Government fails, only the strong will survive
1 Added Argument Hey Bronto. If The Right Wing Is So Great, Then Why Did Hitler Kill Himself?
0 Added Argument The leftist propaganda media says calling it the Chinese or Wuhan Virus is racist
1 Added Argument The Isolationists were right
1 Added Argument Coronavirus. Chinese biological weapon?
-1 Downvoted Argument Has Anybody Tried To Buy Toilet Roll Recently?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Has Anybody Tried To Buy Toilet Roll Recently?

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