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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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themadgadfly's Reward Points: 889

Points When What Where
3 Added Argument I Am Champion Here And You All Know It
0 Added Argument I love my troll blocking method!
1 Added Argument Are there secret facilities in Antarctica?
4 Added Argument Why is this good but this isn't?
1 Added Argument Crime happens. We COULD have hired private cops, but we went for SOCIALISM instead.
1 Added Argument Is Roe V Wade headed for the trash heap? Is same sex marriage doomed?
4 Added Argument Is MORE cops ON the street, ON the border and IN your bedroom, smaller government??
1 Added Argument Trigger Warning: Preparing the left for the 8 years after Trump
0 Added Argument Why doesn't President Trump redistribute his wealth to make America great again?
2 Added Argument The right accepts reality as it is. The left does not.
1 Added Argument Venezuela on ban list. They aren't Muslim
1 Added Argument SCOTUS says police need warrant to search your cell phone.
2 Added Argument SCOTUS says police need warrant to search your cell phone.
2 Added Argument Refuse To Serve Stupid People?!
3 Added Argument Is killing a pregnant woman double-homicide?
1 Added Argument Are Republicans all racist?
1 Added Argument What is your opinion on U.S. immigration?
2 Added Argument America is the Greatest Country of Earth
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument Why are the best debaters never SJWs?
1 Added Argument Who wins debates here - the LOUDEST most PROFANE voice, or the most REASONABLE?
1 Added Argument Who wins debates here - the LOUDEST most PROFANE voice, or the most REASONABLE?
1 Added Argument In my reality, it doesn't hurt when I hit my toe with a hammer....OW
3 Added Argument Should you hate people for no other reason than they hate you?

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