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Joe_Cavalry All Day Every Day

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wardogninja's Reward Points: 1790

Points When What Where
0 Added Argument The Trinity makes no sense.
4 Added Argument How am I supposed to trust God when he does nothing to help me?
0 Added Argument Banned From The Stand! (Sitara)
1 Added Argument If You Can't Afford a Rubber, You Got No Business Having Sex! (just sayin')
-1 Downvoted Argument Christians aren't so Christ like when it comes to Atheists
4 Added Argument Christians aren't so Christ like when it comes to Atheists
0 Added Argument Why Does Dana Downvote So Offen?
0 Downvoted Argument Why Does Dana Downvote So Offen?
1 Added Argument Show us a picture of yourself!
2 Added Argument Isn't it funny how I'm the pregnant one, but still Dana has 100x moodswings than me?
0 Added Argument If Being Gay is A Choice It Is Not A Civil Rights Issue
-1 Downvoted Argument Dana why delete your contraception is a right debate?
2 Added Argument If someone bans me from their debate, then I won the debate.
1 Added Argument Is there a reason to believe in God?
1 Added Argument Is it time to end the War on Marijuana?
0 Added Argument If contraception cannot by covered by insurance, neither should Viagra.
1 Added Argument Should kids make their communion if they don't believe?
1 Added Argument Will Republicans take over the US Senate in 2014?
-1 Downvoted Argument Arminians, are there really any Bible verses
1 Added Argument What's wrong with my milk?
2 Added Argument Should schools have hot lunches?
1 Added Argument Is this new site better than Create Debate?
2 Added Argument Awe! I want to hug these kittens! :D <3
1 Added Argument Should religious institutions such as the Catholic Church have to marry gays?
2 Added Argument Cheating to get points?
1 Added Argument Does divorce belittle the sanctity of marriage?
0 Added Argument Proof that homosexuality is not a choice?
-1 Downvoted Argument Lizzie is a fake!
1 Added Argument Everyone should be allowed to vote regardless of age.
1 Added Argument If a straight man sleeps with a man, is he homosexual or is he committing a homosexual act
1 Added Argument Kids should go and play outside instead of sitting in front of a computer on the internet
2 Added Argument Here is the truth
5 Added Argument Is it gay for a straight man to sextext a female puppet account controlled by another male
6 Added Argument Lizzie is a fake!
2 Added Argument Americans - Why does America have bad economy?
1 Added Argument Should college students be forced to take general education classes?
3 Added Argument Public Figure: Mohammed (Islamic Prophet)
2 Added Argument I heard Hellno was crushed by oats which fell out of a closet. Will he survive?
0 Added Argument Can you imagine drowning puppies being okay?
1 Added Argument The debate you all get to win
3 Added Argument I heard Hellno was crushed by oats which fell out of a closet. Will he survive?
1 Added Argument Will Srom and Lizzie get married in real life someday?
1 Added Argument Sitara... I'm guessing you banning me means I won?
1 Added Argument Who was the first member of createdebate?
5 Created Debate Who was the first member of createdebate?
1 Added Argument Want to use a fake account without creating one?
1 Added Argument Name the couples in CreateDebate!!!
1 Added Argument Don't Hate On Me Because I'm Black!

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