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Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

If baby Hitler was babptized a Roman Catholic but acted like a Satanist or an atheist on a killing spree - this does not make him a Roman Catholic full stop!!

1 point

The only practicing Catholic president of the US was Kennedy and look what they did to him. The rest were atheists/satanists. Here I would like to make the distinction - you can believe that there is no God/life after death whatever and not kill anyone or you can kill and either pretend to be athiest but really worship satan or just not know who you are really worshipping indirectly (Satan) and just go about your killing/power trip thinking that there is no God and claiming you are an atheist. For the latter, an atheist for sure but with that added sinister touch of satanism that you cannot recognize or refuse to as you do not believe in the supernatural.

1 point

Most "wars" or genocide (Iraq, Afghanistan, Native Americans, Unborn Babies, etc. are not done in the name of God but in the name of Satan or man or atheism - really depends how much you care to put it in a spiritual context - obviously, if youre an atheist you will not chategorize yourself in a spiritual context and this is why all the above murderous activities do not get acknowledged; because you cannot put your finger on who this group of people/thinkers are.

1 point

Hitler was not a practicing Roman Catholic - his ideas were not that which was tagught by Christ. He would be excommunicated for his ideas and actions. His actions were more in-line with atheism. Most wars nowadays are not done in the name of God but of Satan. Trying to explain to atheists what is the reason behind their wars is like atheists trying to explain the same to supposed religious people.

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