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RSS AlSnackbar

Reward Points:15
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

Home?? Not at the movies?? Weren't you just sniveling about LOSING movies?? You were, weren't you? That's how hypocrisy works..

You don't seem to grasp the English language. Stating that entertainment is gone isn't going into a mob. It's stating that entertainment is gone.

Running out in the street to "protest" is going into a mob.

I'd explain English to you further, but I'm certain it would perplex you.

Tell me, who is ANTIFA fighting out there? It sure isn't us, so who is it?

1 point

Well, then.. Enjoy your movie..


PS> Frankly, I'm THRILLED that you right wingers are gonna expose yourself to the fake Corona virus.. That way, we'll WIN the upcoming civil war WITHOUT firing a shot..

The left is destroying its own cities, killing each other, and unless the Coronavirus isn't real, are spreading it to each other like a lepper colony as we speak.

Right wingers are at home not acting like a bunch of spoiled little lunatics.

There is no "civil war". You're fighting each other. If you were in a real civil war with us, we'd be firing shots. We aren't. You are. At each other.

The left playing "civil war" isn't "civil war". Taking over your own city isn't "civil war". It's dip shittery and dumbassery.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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