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RSS AngryNarwhal

Reward Points:30
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3 most recent arguments.

You are very deceptive to what is going on around us, OR YOU ARE TOTALLY STUPID!

Is this what you call debating?

There are a thousand ways the Left is pushing their political correct ideology and for deniers to ignore these decades of battles over freedoms to dissagree with the PC collective, is mind blowing! We are living a cultural war case you just arrived on this planet.

This is a debate website. Provide some examples so I can see what frame of reference you are working with.

Whether it be Gay marriage FORCED on every state,

What aspect of Obergefell v Hodges' ruling do you agree with specifically?

or private businesses being forced to cater events that go against their religious beliefs,

Do you believe all private businesses deserve exemption from state laws based on religious beliefs, and if so, to what extent?

or Churches being sued to allow openly Gay sunday school teachers

It was my understanding that essentially all of those suits lost.

or progressives going after our 2nd amendment rights to keep our hunting rifles if they hold more than seven rounds(which is what the New York State's "Safe Act" was trying to do),

Not sure what that has to do with the right to disagree or political correctness, though I agree it was a stupid move on their part.

or coal miner's occupations taken from them because of Progressive environmentalists pushing their mandates on all states, etc. etc. etc.

So should we ignore the very real public cost the nation bears by using forms of energy such as goal for the sake of their occupations?

KEEP PLAYING STUPID! Keep ignoring all Hillary's corruptions and perjury and tell us all how Trump's private speech with a friend 11 years ago, that was invaded against his will, is worse than what Hillary has done.

If we are going to actually debate, why don't you let me speak for myself and stop insulting me? I'm not even voting for Hillary Clinton.

AngryNarwhal(30) Clarified
1 point

The Left hates Trump because he embodies all the Americans whose freedom's are being taken from them. The freedom to dissagree with Big Brother political correctness.

Wait, so you think everyone on the left believes that people shouldn't have the freedom to disagree?

Please do not play ignorant to what's going on around us when the President of the US is trying to FORCE every public school to allow boys with transgender disorders in our daughter's bathrooms!

I can see why you would disagree with that, but how is that proof that the Left as a whole wants to take away freedom to disagree? That's an incredibly niche example.

We as parents are no longer allowed to dissagree with that kind of political correct conditioning.

Aren't you disagreeing now? Freely and openly?

The Left has created all kinds of insulting demaning words towards those on the right, for simply not agreeing with them. We are all phobics of some sort or another if we do not tow the PC line.

So what? Those words have no power. The right has plenty of ways to insult the left as well, and those insults have no power either. That's just rhetoric, it serves no legitimate and useful purpose.

Do you think there are legitimate reeasons to "hate" Trump, or do you believe that everyone that disagrees with him does so because of "standing up to political correctness, for being willing to speak to the Clinton scandals, for fighting the biased media" etc.?

I would hope that Trump would allow prosecution of Hillary so that she would be subject to the same laws as everyone else. The only reason she was not prosecuted is because the lies and the scandals goes all the way up to the President.

Do you have any evidence that is the "only reason"? That seems like an unverifiable claim to me.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Angry Narwhal
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Postal Code: Sometimes

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