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RSS HaleyT

Reward Points:7
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Source for this statistic? And explain to me how this statistic knew that men who stayed in the closet were gay so that they could include them in this stat.

1 point

Please read Dirt Greed & Sex (Paperback) I think you need to be saved.

1 point

1ho·mo·sex·u·al adjective \ˌhō-mə-ˈsek-sh(ə-)wəl, -ˈsek-shəl\

: sexually attracted to people of the same sex

: based on or showing a sexual attraction to people of the same sex

Be careful with the term "by definition"

1 point

An entire population of people shouldn't be oppressed because of something you find icky.

1 point

That's like saying we shouldn't allow women in the military because they may be raped. Stop blaming the victims and work on fixing the antagonists.

1 point

That's kind of the reason you would join a debate site, you know, to debate.

1 point

How do you feel about single parents? Also do you have any study that shows the repercussions to back up your claim?

1 point

Are fucking stupid? If you were born gay I'm sure you'd think differently... can you list any study that shows being gay is wrong in anyway. Not from the bible (;

1 point

You're username should probably ditch the "a" and the "s".

97% of child molestation is committed by men? Last I knew there were men in heterosexual couples to, and single fathers.

In about 30% of molestation cases, the victim is a boy? That contradicts your argument because 70% are females or unreported....

And what does gays being 3% of the population have to do with anything? So they are made to be the minority?

You also site no sources.

1 point

Okay so the inability to breastfeed means they can not adopt children who are older than infants?

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About Me

"I attend the Maine School of Science and Mathematics."

Biographical Information
Name: Haley E. T.
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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