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RSS Ki19

Reward Points:5
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

first, i wasnt speaking of the poor, i was speakinh about the middle class that gets stuck paying for everything. A) because the tax laws in most developed nations favor the rich and don't tax them as much (in relative terms) as the middle class... mean while the middle class watch as there equity and assets vanish. The middle class pays for the economy while the rich and some poor people take advantage. to say that all poor people are poor because they are lazy, is nieve and hypocritical. some people just dont get dealt a good hand in life, and not only that, but where you end up is directly proportional to where you start (in most cases). second my arguement was not to say that the rich should "motivate" the poor to get off thier asses. but to help pay for the social systems that are struggling and that are there to help prevent the poor from staying in the visious circle that is "being poor". Sure human nature will dictate that not all will better themselves or recieve the help and make a prosperious life for themselves, but human nature is always a factor no matter which of convo or debate your having, so is a mute point.

1 point

"This World is full of people that (omitted text) feed off of those of us that scratch and claw and sweat and bleed to get what we have rightfully earned. Through hard work and devotion."

This statement reminds me of another group of people, except the people that I'm thinking of are not poor at all, in-fact they hoard most of the wealth generated by a nation between them and their exclusive friends. these are the top 1% of people, the filthy rich (well beyond reason and need) that capitalism produces, I'm thinking these billionaires can help out the economy/society that allowed them to prosper in the first place. Its a win win situation. they receive healthier more educated employees and everyone gets the opportunity to become that healthy educated employee.

1 point

No offense Joe, but you just proved this person argument in that the American populace do not fully under stand the ideas of socialism and its applications. Mixed economies can exist where democracy, socialism, and capitalism are kept at a balance that is good for growth as wells as for the entire populaces well being (food, shelter, healtcare, EDUCATION, water, electricity) and sustainable employment. Asserting that socialism and communism are one in the same total defeats any argument you had in this regard Joe...

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