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RSS Krellgoth

Reward Points:9
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2 points

I think I may have been on the other side of this argument a few years ago, but as you grow older and see what the human race does (not what it is capable of) you see that it is not worth saving. Humans are a plague on the world, sucking it dry of resources in the selfish manner that is as inherent to us as any other species on this planet. It is this selfishness that sustains us both as individuals and as a species. To use my favorite movie as a means of understanding, look at Donnie Darko. In this movie, he serves as a Christ-like character as he must die in order to save the human race in his dimension. At first, he is unwilling. He compares humans to rabbits, saying that rabbits are not worth crying over because they are not relatable and have never feared death to begin with. His teacher does us the favor of pointing out that the rabbits are representative of mankind. As the movie progresses, people commit horrible acts. A motivational speaker is revealed as a participant in kiddy porn, his best teacher is fired on poor cause, a couple of punks threaten him with knives, a guy runs over his girlfriend (killing her), etc. All of this would reinforce Donnie's perception of humans as unworthy of sympathy. The human race is not worth saving. Now, in order to subvert a counterargument predicated on misunderstanding, the movie sets out to prove to us that a person can be worth dying for. You see, Donnie does sacrifice himself to save his girlfriend Gretchen Ross, but not the human race. In the movie they call this the insurance trap. We must be able to recognize the difference between an individual and a population (and/or species). A person can be wonderful, but our species is a disgrace that makes many quality individuals ashamed to count themselves as members of mankind. The world would be better without us and our negligence and disregard. Just because the instinct to preserve oneself is wired into us through evolution, does not mean that it is an unalterable truth. To see beyond the limitations of the immediate is one of mankind's greatest abilities, however, we ignore it when it is convenient. The human race is not worth saving and will not be saved. No one will intervene unless we deserve it and the day that we do deserve it we will not need it. People attribute so much to a benevolent god and life after death. This is an excuse to not live properly now, predicated on the idea that we will get a second chance to do right. Regardless of belief in religion, morality, spirituality, or any other thing that we allow to characterize us, we will inevitably destroy this world and drain it of everything it has because we can not overcome our base instincts to look after ourselves and to reproduce. This is the race that we are all a part of. It is not a race worth saving.

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