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RSS Tillerman

Reward Points:29
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1 point

Ah, but what if, in that culture or religion, not wearing a burka is tantamount to running around completely nude?

Would it still be okay then? Or would you propose to force Muslim's to accept that it is not the same as running around nude?

I'm just playing the Devil's advocate. I actually would hate to live in culture that was so rigid with it's women. But it's not my culture, so can I really say?

2 points

First of all this question is slanted towards our American ideology. "No, their women like it" being the only "no" option is definitely a slant because one may not believe it to be sexist, but to say that their women like it is an assumption that most of us are unqualified to make and can make one feel that a person choosing this answer is bigoted or racist.

I question if this isn't a liberally created argument as liberals excel at slanting things to make those that disagree with them sound bigoted and close-minded.

MY ANSWER: No because it is religious and/or cultural. Under Religion you do as is right in God's eyes so that your concise will be pure in His sight. Apostolic women cover their head for this very reason. Under Culture, it's accepted as a differentiation between men and women and is accepted in this way.

As far the "forcing" of their women to wear them may or may not be sexist depending on the person. In that culture it is accepted that men, especially husbands have the final say. And due to this constraint, the husband is also held responsible, sometimes not when it actually counts though, to lead the family. If it is considered shameful for a woman not to wear a burka, then for a woman to refuse it may not just affect her, but may also affect her husband's job, the food on their children's table, and the opportunity of their children to succeed as it would be more difficult in some cultures for children of mothers that are considered amoral or indecent. Questions of the children's legitimacy could end up plaguing the family if it is considered bad enough.

In short, it does not necessarily mean the Husband is sexist or that even the community is, but it would definitely mean that whatever the justification for it is sexist. Whether the justification be their religion, culture, or simple law the reason that justifies a husband's authority to force this upon his wife is what is sexist. That sexist justification needs to be challenged if there will be more freedom in that area.

No matter where we are from we all attempt to live day to day. Generally in mankind, we all attempt to make better for our children and loved ones and do not want to see ourselves or those we care about suffer or live worse lives than our own. And sometimes we follow minor unjust laws or traditions as the one asked about above regardless of whether we agree with them for the sake of peace and the betterment of our families.

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