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RSS Coopermclark

Reward Points:4
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1 point

Fine Tuning Parameters for the Universe

strong nuclear force constant

if larger: no hydrogen would form; atomic nuclei for most life-essential elements would be unstable; thus, no life chemistry

if smaller: no elements heavier than hydrogen would form: again, no life chemistry

weak nuclear force constant

if larger: too much hydrogen would convert to helium in big bang; hence, stars would convert too much matter into heavy elements making life chemistry impossible

if smaller: too little helium would be produced from big bang; hence, stars would convert too little matter into heavy elements making life chemistry impossible

gravitational force constant

if larger: stars would be too hot and would burn too rapidly and too unevenly for life chemistry

if smaller: stars would be too cool to ignite nuclear fusion; thus, many of the elements needed for life chemistry would never form

electromagnetic force constant

if greater: chemical bonding would be disrupted; elements more massive than boron would be unstable to fission

if lesser: chemical bonding would be insufficient for life chemistry

ratio of electromagnetic force constant to gravitational force constant

if larger: all stars would be at least 40% more massive than the sun; hence, stellar burning would be too brief and too uneven for life support

if smaller: all stars would be at least 20% less massive than the sun, thus incapable of producing heavy elements

ratio of electron to proton mass

if larger: chemical bonding would be insufficient for life chemistry

if smaller: same as above

ratio of number of protons to number of electrons

if larger: electromagnetism would dominate gravity, preventing galaxy, star, and planet formation

if smaller: same as above

expansion rate of the universe

if larger: no galaxies would form

if smaller: universe would collapse, even before stars formed

entropy level of the universe

if larger: stars would not form within proto-galaxies

if smaller: no proto-galaxies would form

mass density of the universe

if larger: overabundance of deuterium from big bang would cause stars to burn rapidly, too rapidly for life to form

if smaller: insufficient helium from big bang would result in a shortage of heavy elements

velocity of light

if faster: stars would be too luminous for life support if slower: stars would be insufficiently luminous for life support

age of the universe

if older: no solar-type stars in a stable burning phase would exist in the right (for life) part of the galaxy

if younger: solar-type stars in a stable burning phase would not yet have formed

initial uniformity of radiation

if more uniform: stars, star clusters, and galaxies would not have formed

if less uniform: universe by now would be mostly black holes and empty space

average distance between galaxies

if larger: star formation late enough in the history of the universe would be hampered by lack of material

if smaller: gravitational tug-of-wars would destabilize the sun's orbit

density of galaxy cluster

if denser: galaxy collisions and mergers would disrupt the sun's orbit

if less dense: star formation late enough in the history of the universe would be hampered by lack of material

average distance between stars

if larger: heavy element density would be too sparse for rocky planets to form

if smaller: planetary orbits would be too unstable for life

fine structure constant (describing the fine-structure splitting of spectral lines) if larger: all stars would be at least 30% less massive than the sun

if larger than 0.06: matter would be unstable in large magnetic fields

if smaller: all stars would be at least 80% more massive than the sun

decay rate of protons

if greater: life would be exterminated by the release of radiation

if smaller: universe would contain insufficient matter for life

12C to 16O nuclear energy level ratio

if larger: universe would contain insufficient oxygen for life

if smaller: universe would contain insufficient carbon for life

ground state energy level for 4He

if larger: universe would contain insufficient carbon and oxygen for life

if smaller: same as above

decay rate of 8Be

if slower: heavy element fusion would generate catastrophic explosions in all the stars

if faster: no element heavier than beryllium would form; thus, no life chemistry

ratio of neutron mass to proton mass

if higher: neutron decay would yield too few neutrons for the formation of many life-essential elements

if lower: neutron decay would produce so many neutrons as to collapse all stars into neutron stars or black holes

initial excess of nucleons over anti-nucleons

if greater: radiation would prohibit planet formation

if lesser: matter would be insufficient for galaxy or star formation

polarity of the water molecule

if greater: heat of fusion and vaporization would be too high for life

if smaller: heat of fusion and vaporization would be too low for life; liquid water would not work as a solvent for life chemistry; ice would not float, and a runaway freeze-up would result

supernovae eruptions

if too close, too frequent, or too late: radiation would exterminate life on the planet

if too distant, too infrequent, or too soon: heavy elements would be too sparse for rocky planets to form

white dwarf binaries

if too few: insufficient fluorine would exist for life chemistry

if too many: planetary orbits would be too unstable for life

if formed too soon: insufficient fluorine production

if formed too late: fluorine would arrive too late for life chemistry

ratio of exotic matter mass to ordinary matter mass

if larger: universe would collapse before solar-type stars could form

if smaller: no galaxies would form

number of effective dimensions in the early universe

if larger: quantum mechanics, gravity, and relativity could not coexist; thus, life would be impossible

if smaller: same result

number of effective dimensions in the present universe

if smaller: electron, planet, and star orbits would become unstable

if larger: same result

mass of the neutrino

if smaller: galaxy clusters, galaxies, and stars would not form

if larger: galaxy clusters and galaxies would be too dense

big bang ripples

if smaller: galaxies would not form; universe would expand too rapidly

if larger: galaxies/galaxy clusters would be too dense for life; black holes would dominate; universe would collapse before life-site could form

size of the relativistic dilation factor

if smaller: certain life-essential chemical reactions will not function properly

if larger: same result

uncertainty magnitude in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle

if smaller: oxygen transport to body cells would be too small and certain life-essential elements would be unstable

if larger: oxygen transport to body cells would be too great and certain life-essential elements would be unstable

1 point

This sounds a bit ridiculous. If you're going to attack intelligent design, try and get to the molecular level, or the universal level. If gravity were off by just .0000000000000000000000000000000000000043% then the earth would implode. If the sun were any closer to the earth we would burn up. There are many other variables that suggest and intelligent designer.

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